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English-German translation for: category of age
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Dictionary English German: category of age

Translation 1 - 50 of 64970  >>

category of ageAlterskategorie {f}
Partial Matches
age categoryAlterskategorie {f}
category of buyersKäuferkategorie {f}
category of customersKundenkategorie {f}
sociol. category of differenceDifferenzkategorie {f}
category of goodsArtikelgruppe {f}
fin. category of incomeEinkunftsart {f}
category of interestInteressenkreis {m}
comm. category of merchandiseWarenkategorie {f}
category of personsPersonenkreis {m}
philos. category of reflectionReflexionskategorie {f}
category of securitiesWertpapiergattung {f}
category of securitiesWertpapierkategorie {f}
stocks category of sharesAktienkategorie {f}
naut. category of shipSchiffsklasse {f}
philos. mistake of categoryKategorienfehler {m}
math. category of rings <Ring>Kategorie {f} von Ringen
automot. category of driving licence [Br.]Führerscheinklasse {f}
sports category five stadium <category 5 stadium> [UEFA]Fünf-Sterne-Stadion {n} <5-Sterne-Stadion> [UEFA]
sports category four stadium <category 4 stadium> [UEFA]Vier-Sterne-Stadion {n} <4-Sterne-Stadion> [UEFA]
sports category three stadium <category 3 stadium> [UEFA]Drei-Sterne-Stadion {n} <3-Sterne-Stadion> [UEFA]
math. infinity category <∞-category>Unendlich-Kategorie {f} <∞-Kategorie>
film F Category 6: Day of Destruction [Dick Lowry]Category 6 – Der Tag des Tornado
film F Category 7: The End of the World [Dick Lowry]Category 7 – Das Ende der Welt
pol. sociol. F The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois SocietyStrukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit. Untersuchungen zu einer Kategorie der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft [Jürgen Habermas]
of age {adj}großjährig [veraltend]
of age {adj}volljährig
of every agejeden Alters
of every agejedes Alters
of legal age {adj}großjährig [veraltend]
of legal age {adj}volljährig
of marriageable age {adj}im heiratsfähigen Alter
of mellow agevon gereiftem Alter
of pensionable age {adv}im Rentenalter
of school ageim schulpflichtigen Alter
to be of agemündig sein
to be of agevolljährig sein
to come of agedie Volljährigkeit erreichen
to come of ageerwachsen werden
to come of agemündig werden
to come of agevolljährig werden
esot. spec. Age of AquariusWassermannzeitalter {n}
hist. age of BismarckBismarckzeit {f}
archaeo. med. age of boneKnochenalter {n}
constr. age of buildingBaualter {n}
hist. age of castlesBurgenzeitalter {n}
hist. age of chivalryRitterzeit {f}
hist. age of chivalryZeitalter {n} des Rittertums
law age of consentMündigkeitsalter {n}
law age of consentSchutzalter {n}
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