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English-German translation for: cathedral
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Dictionary English German: cathedral

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NOUN   a cathedral | cathedrals
SYNO   cathedral | duomo
archi. relig. cathedral {adj} [attr.] [suggestive of a cathedral]kathedralisch [selten]
archi. relig. cathedral
Dom {m}
archi. relig. cathedral
Kathedrale {f}
archi. relig. cathedral
Münster {n} {m}
2 Words: Nouns
relig. (cathedral) deanDomdechant {m}
archi. UWH Aachen CathedralAachener Dom {m}
archi. geogr. hist. Ascension Cathedral [Yelets, Russia]Himmelfahrts-Kathedrale {f} [Jelez, Russland]
archi. relig. Bamberg CathedralBamberger Dom {m}
archi. relig. cathedral (church)Domkirche {f}
archi. hist. relig. cathedral architectureKathedralenbaukunst {f}
urban cathedral areaDombezirk {m}
cathedral bellDomglocke {f}
cathedral bellsMünsterglocken {pl}
relig. cathedral canonDomherr {m}
archi. hist. relig. cathedral castleDomburg {f}
archi. cathedral ceilingKathedralendecke {f}
relig. cathedral cemeteryDomfriedhof {m}
relig. cathedral chapterDomkapitel {n}
relig. cathedral chapterDomstift {n} <DSt>
relig. cathedral chapterKathedralkapitel {n}
relig. cathedral chapterStift {n} [Domstift]
mus. cathedral choir [professional]Domchor {m}
mus. cathedral chorus [amateur]Domchor {m}
archi. relig. cathedral churchKathedrale {f}
relig. cathedral churchKathedralkirche {f}
urban cathedral cityDomstadt {f}
archi. cathedral cloisterDomkreuzgang {m}
hist. TrVocab. urban cathedral close[Gelände um einen Dom mit zur Kirche gehörigen Gebäuden, das früher der kirchlichen Rechtsprechung unterstand]
hist. law relig. cathedral close [area immediately around a cathedral]Domfreiheit {f}
relig. cathedral congregation [also: Cathedral congregation]Domgemeinde {f}
archi. relig. cathedral constructionMünsterbau {m}
relig. cathedral deanDomdekan {m}
archi. cathedral domeDomkuppel {f}
archi. cathedral façade [spv.]Kathedralfassade {f}
cathedral fireDombrand {m}
material cathedral glassKathedralglas {n}
watches cathedral handsKathedralzeiger {pl}
hist. relig. spec. cathedral immunityDomimmunität {f}
archi. cathedral interiorKircheninneres {n} [bei Dom, Kathedrale, Münster]
comm. cathedral merchandise {sg}Münsterartikel {pl}
relig. cathedral monasteryDomherrenstift {n}
cathedral museumDommuseum {n}
archi. mus. cathedral organDomorgel {f}
jobs mus. cathedral organistDomorganist {m}
jobs mus. cathedral organist [female]Domorganistin {f}
relig. cathedral parishDomgemeinde {f}
relig. cathedral preacherDomprediger {m}
urban cathedral precinctDombezirk {m}
hist. relig. cathedral precincts {pl}Domfreiheit {f}
archi. relig. cathedral pulpitDomkanzel {f}
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A 2018-04-04: It's a proper name of a Café next or close to a cathedral.
A 2018-04-04: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=24_EWovoK6yMmwXK8oioDA&q=Domc...
Q 2015-05-29: an "organic" cathedral
A 2011-08-23: City [Br.] a town created a city by charter and usually containing a cathedral.
A 2010-04-22: cathedral treasure (a +treasury+ would deal with capitular or diocesan finances)
A 2010-03-26: fellow suns in siena, see large tableaux at entrance of cathedral up and d...
A 2009-05-16: no, Münster is Cathedral in English
A 2009-03-14: The cathedral glimmers golden in the twilight / evening light / evening sun...
A 2008-11-06: St. Petri ist ein Eigenname (des Doms): Nicht übersetzen - St. Petri Cathe...
A 2008-11-06: how about: "St. Peter's Cathedral in Bremen"
A 2008-11-06: Only from 1888 did an extensive, improving as well as historically distort...
A 2008-11-06: This gave the cathedral its early Gothic cachet
A 2008-08-26: The small shops and cafés at Domplatz (Cathedral Square) invite people to ...
A 2008-07-29: Co-Cathedral 574.000 times
A 2008-07-29: How about: Co-cathedral?
A 2008-02-26: Retour a nos moutons: the cathedral was put under another saint's patronag...
A 2008-02-26: Could it be - the cathedral was dedicated to another saint?
A 2007-10-28: You turn the corner - and again you can see the resplendent cathedral, mad...
A 2007-01-12: cathedral master builder
A 2006-10-24: Du musst dich halt an gute Vorbilder halten: Ely Cathedral, Coventry Cathe...

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