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English-German translation for: cattle ranch
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Dictionary English German: cattle ranch

Translation 1 - 50 of 297  >>

NOUN   a cattle ranch | cattle ranches
SYNO   cattle farm | cattle ranch | ranch ... 
cattle ranchRinderfarm {f}
Partial Matches
agr. jobs to ranchin der Viehwirtschaft arbeiten
agr. ranchFarm {f}
agr. ranchRanch {f}
agr. ranchViehfarm {f}
jobs ranch handFarmhelfer {m}
agr. jobs ranch handRancharbeiter {m}
RealEst. ranch houseFarmhaus {n}
archi. constr. ranch houseRanchhaus {n}
archi. ranch [ranch house]Ranchhaus {n}
dude ranch [Am.]Ferienranch {f}
fruit ranch [Am.]Obstplantage {f}
agr. jobs ranch hand [female]Farmarbeiterin {f}
ranch house [Am.]einstöckiges Haus {n}
archi. ranch-style houseHaus {n} im Ranchstil
gastr. ranch [Am.] [ranch dressing]Ranch-Dressing {n}
to bet the ranch [Am.] [idiom]Haus und Hof aufs Spiel setzen [Redewendung]
agr. zool. cattle {pl}Rinder {pl}
agr. cattle {pl}Rindvieh {n}
agr. zool. cattle {pl}Vieh {n}
cattle {pl}Viehzeug {n}
Cattle crossing!Vorsicht Viehtrieb!
agr. law to agist cattleVieh gegen Entgelt weiden lassen
agr. to brand cattleVieh markieren
agr. to breed cattleVieh züchten
agr. to breed cattleViehwirtschaft treiben
agr. to drive cattleVieh treiben
agr. to raise cattleVieh züchten
agr. to rear cattleVieh züchten
agr. beef cattleFleischrinder {pl}
agr. beef cattleMastrinder {pl}
agr. beef cattle {pl}Schlachtrind {n}
agr. beef cattle {pl}Schlachtvieh {n}
agr. breeding cattleZuchtrinder {pl}
agr. breeding cattle {pl}Zuchtvieh {n}
zool. cattle boneRinderknochen {m}
agr. cattle breedRinderrasse {f}
agr. jobs cattle breederRinderzüchter {m}
agr. jobs cattle breederViehzüchter {m}
agr. cattle breedingRinderzucht {f}
agr. cattle breedingRindviehzucht {f}
agr. cattle breedingViehzucht {f} [Rinderzucht]
agr. comm. jobs cattle brokerViehmakler {m} [veraltet] [Vermittler beim Handel mit Rindern]
cattle brushRinderbürste {f}
agr. cattle careRinderpflege {f}
cattle chainViehkette {f}
agr. comm. jobs cattle dealerRinderhändler {m}
agr. comm. jobs cattle dealerViehhändler {m}
zool. cattle dogRinderhund {m}
zool. cattle dogTreibhund {m}
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