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English-German translation for: caused
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Dictionary English German: caused

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English German
VERB  to cause | caused | caused ... 
sb./sth. caused
jd./etw. verursachte
sth. caused
etw. bewirkte
caused {past-p}
hervorgerufen [verursacht]
sth. caused
etw. veranlasste
2 Words: Others
caused by {past-p}ausgelöst durch
caused byverursacht von
ecol. human-caused {adj}anthropogen
human-caused {adj}menschgemacht
seasonally caused {adj}jahreszeitlich bedingt
self-caused {adj} [crisis etc.] [self-inflicted]selbstverschuldet [Krise etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
damage causedverursachter Schaden {m}
damages causedverursachter Schaden {m}
inconvenience causedverursachte Unannehmlichkeit {f}
3 Words: Others
FireResc caused by sparks {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]durch Funkenflug verursacht
caused by temperament {adj} [postpos.]veranlagungsgemäß
med. caused by trauma {adj} [postpos.]traumabedingt
3 Words: Verbs
to be caused byberuhen auf [+Dat.]
to be caused by sb.auf jds. Konto gehen [Redewendung] [von jdm. verursacht werden]
to be caused by sb./sth.auf das Konto [+Gen.] gehen [Redewendung] [von jdm./etw. verursacht werden]
to be caused by sb./sth.auf das Konto von jdm./etw. gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [von jdm./etw. verursacht werden]
to be caused by sth.von etw. herrühren
to be caused by sth.durch etw. verursacht werden
3 Words: Nouns
law culpably caused damageschuldhaft verursachter Schaden {m}
4 Words: Others
caused by a disease {adj} [postpos.]durch eine Krankheit verursacht
caused by an accident {adj} [postpos.]durch einen Unfall verursacht
caused by human activities {adj} [postpos.]von Menschenhand verursacht
caused by the crisis {adj} [postpos.]krisenbedingt
caused by the revolutionverursacht durch die Umstellung
caused by the war {adj} [postpos.]kriegsbedingt
caused by the weather {adj} [postpos.]wetterbedingt
caused by the weather {adj} [postpos.]witterungsbedingt
What caused the delay?Was verursachte die Verzögerung?
4 Words: Nouns
ecol. geol. damage {sg} caused by erosionErosionsschäden {pl}
agr. damage caused by cattledurch Vieh verursachter Schaden {m}
damage caused by delayVerzugsschaden {m}
damage caused by floodsdurch Überschwemmung verursachter Schaden {m}
agr. for. damage caused by gameWildschaden {m}
damage caused by hailHagelschaden {m}
hunting damage caused by huntingJagdschaden {m}
damage caused by moistureNässeschaden {m}
damage caused by wetnessNässeschaden {m}
med. disease caused by stressStresserkrankung {f}
disturbance caused by animalsStörung {f} durch Haustiere
scene caused by jealousyEifersuchtsszene {f}
5+ Words: Others
caused by the progress of tradeverursacht durch die Entwicklung des Handels
His report caused a sensation.Sein Bericht erregte Aufsehen.
It is being caused by ...Es wird verursacht von ...
That caused a great stir. [idiom]Das hat viel Staub aufgewirbelt. [Redewendung]
med. Unspecified sexual dysfunction, not caused by organic disorder or disease. [ICD-10, F52.9]Nicht näher bezeichnete sexuelle Funktionsstörung, nicht verursacht durch eine organische Störung oder Krankheit. [ICD-10, F52.9]
5+ Words: Nouns
accident caused by an explosionUnfall {m}, verursacht durch eine Explosion
damage caused by a droughtSchaden {m}, verursacht durch Trockenheit
damage caused by an accidentdurch Unfall verursachter Schaden {m}
med. meteo. headache {sg} caused by foehn (winds)Föhnkopfschmerzen {pl}
econ. part that caused the damageschadenverursachendes Teil {n}
problems caused by the textvom Text verursachte Probleme {pl}
med. relief of pain and suffering caused by maladies [Hastings Report]Linderung {f} von Leiden und Schmerzen
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A 2022-08-11: Anarchy caused by a military impostor (cf. review linked below)
A 2022-04-24: Vorschläge: Kälteeinwirkung > exposure to cold; Tod durch Kälteeinwirkung ...
Q 2021-01-24: It has caused heart searchings in Germany itself.
Q 2017-12-25: such as changes to albedo caused by forestry activities
A 2017-11-10: Looks like +financial compensation for damage caused by climate change+
A 2016-10-31: Caused by.
A 2015-10-24: der Korea-Krise = at the time of Korean crisis, caused by Korean crisis, a...
A 2015-02-23: Ecotourism is slow environmental degradation caused by an organized influx...
A 2014-04-14: It caused a gale that ripped the skins off people in the vale.
Q 2013-11-28: so. said something that caused you to feel poorly about yourself
A 2013-08-28: Intentionally caused
A 2013-07-01: If it fits the context, I would use "...if its success caused its demise."
A 2013-01-28: Not caused by dict.cc!
A 2013-01-15: There is one problem caused by careless splitting.
A 2012-12-07: 1 pcs ~ one pieces - it's a howler caused by the fact that +pcs+ fits any ...
A 2012-11-21: ... which caused the Deutschmark to plummet
A 2012-03-18: ... caused by sleeves, bending over etc.
A 2012-03-10: ... caused more and more people to settle +in+ America ...
A 2012-01-05: caused concern with the consultants / experts etc.
A 2011-08-31: uncontrollable oil and gas leaks caused by exploration and production

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caused by a disease
caused by an accident
caused by human activities
caused by sparks
caused by temperament
caused by the crisis
caused by the revolution

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