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English-German translation for: cease
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Dictionary English German: cease

Translation 1 - 50 of 94  >>

English German
NOUN   a cease | ceases
VERB  to cease | ceased | ceased ... 
SYNO   to cease | to end | to finish ... 
to cease
to cease
to cease sth.
etw. einstellen [beenden]
to cease [e.g. doing sth.]
aufhören [z. B. etw. zu tun]
to cease [animals, plants] [archaic]
to cease sth.
etw. aufgeben [mit etw. aufhören]
to cease
ruhen [stillstehen]
to cease
unterbleiben [aufhören]
med. to cease [stop]
sistieren [fachspr.] [zum Stillstand kommen, zum Aufhören bringen, aufhören]
to cease sth.mit etw.Dat. aufhören
cease [archaic]
Erlöschen {n} [Vollmacht]
2 Words: Others
mil. Cease fire!Feuer einstellen!
Cease that!Hör damit auf!
without cease {adj}ununterbrochen
without cease {adv}ohne Unterlass
2 Words: Verbs
to cease doing sth.mit etw.Dat. aufhören
to cease doing sth.(damit) aufhören, etw. zu tun
to cease fermentingausgären
to cease firedas Feuer einstellen
to cease from sth.mit etw.Dat. aufhören
to cease from sth.von etw.Dat. ablassen
to cease glowingausglühen
to cease manufacturedie Fabrikation einstellen
ind. to cease manufacturingdie Produktion einstellen
to cease payment(die) Zahlungen einstellen
ind. to cease productiondie Produktion einstellen
to cease publicationdie Veröffentlichung einstellen
zool. to cease ruttingaus der Brunft treten [abbrunften] [die Brunft beenden]
to cease swingingauspendeln [Schaukel, Seil]
comm. stocks to cease tradingden Handel einstellen
to cease worknicht mehr arbeiten
to cease workingmit der Arbeit aufhören
to virtually ceasebeinahe aufhören
2 Words: Nouns
cease chargeKündigungsgebühr {f}
cease feeKündigungsgebühr {f}
mil. cease-fireFeuereinstellung {f}
mil. cease-fireWaffenruhe {f}
mil. cease-fireWaffenstillstand {m}
mil. cease-fireEinstellung {f} des Feuers
3 Words: Others
sth. will cease on ...etw. wird am ... erlöschen
idiom Wonders never cease!Wunder gibt es immer wieder!
3 Words: Verbs
to cause to ceasebeenden
to cease (the) hostilitiesdie Feindseligkeiten beenden
law to cease (to apply)zessieren [veraltet] [aufhören, wegfallen]
hort. to cease / finish bloomingabblühen
hort. to cease / finish blossomingabblühen
to cease from doing sth.von etw. ablassen [geh. für: mit etw. aufhören]
to cease its activitiesdie Aktivitäten einstellen
to cease to applyfortfallen [nicht mehr zutreffend sein]
comm. law to cease to applywegfallen
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A 2018-07-17: The defendAnt has not undertaken to cease and desist ... with regarD to ...
A 2018-04-25: cease and desist declaration
Q 2015-09-30: Wonders never cease;-) You need to be able to speak/understand English to ...
A 2015-02-25: a cease and desist letter
A 2015-02-25: cease-and-desist warning (notification)
A 2014-07-15: http://www.dict.cc/?s=cease-and-desist+order
A 2013-08-02: if the factual preconditions for the admission / acceptance cease to exist later
A 2013-01-31: Typo (in the Urban Dictionary): the word is +Caesar / caesar+ - nothing to...
Q 2012-06-14: Wonders will never cease.
A 2009-09-15: ... cease to exist.
A 2008-10-21: I still maintain that the police would not cease firing as the criminals fled.
A 2008-06-15: think I found it in one of my many many dicts...cease and desist, or is it...
A 2008-03-30: Languages never cease to amaze
A 2007-09-12: Cease & Desist Order
A 2007-04-17: claims on the part of the guest cease/fail to apply only when
A 2007-02-08: cease from a (national) prosecution........
A 2006-10-22: yep...Ive googled hard with stop, cease, improve, better, good....nix
A 2006-08-27: declaration to cease and desist
A 2006-05-27: maybe: Wonders never cease
A 2005-11-23: cease-and-desist declaration containing a contract penalty insurance

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