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English-German translation for: celebrate sth.
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Dictionary English German: celebrate sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 40455  >>

Keywords contained
to celebrate sth.etw.Akk. feiern
to celebrate sth.etw.Akk. zelebrieren
to celebrate (sb./sth.)(jdn./etw.) feiern
to celebrate sth. lateretw. nachfeiern
to celebrate sth. [an event]etw.Akk. (festlich) begehen [geh.]
to celebrate sth. [an anniversary etc.]etw.Akk. feierlich begehen [geh.]
to celebrate sb./sth. excessively [coll.]jdn./etw. abfeiern [ugs.]
to celebrate sb./sth. in songjdn./etw. besingen
Partial Matches
to celebratefesten [bes. österr. und schweiz.] [ein Fest feiern]
to celebrate [extol]preisen [geh.]
to celebrate sb.jdn. feiern
to celebrate Christmasdas Weihnachtsfest begehen [geh.]
to celebrate ChristmasWeihnachten feiern
relig. to celebrate massdas Hochamt feiern
relig. to celebrate (high) mass(Hohe) Messe feiern
to celebrate a comebackein Comeback feiern
to celebrate a dayeinen Tag feiern
to celebrate a festivalein Fest feiern
to celebrate a heroeinen Helden feiern
to celebrate a heroeinen Helden hochleben lassen
to celebrate a jubileeein Jubiläum feiern
to celebrate a solemnityeine Feierlichkeit begehen
to celebrate a triumpheinen Triumph feiern
to celebrate a victoryeinen Sieg feiern
to celebrate a weddingeine Hochzeit feiern
to celebrate an anniversaryeinen Jahrestag feiern
to celebrate an eventein Ereignis feiern
relig. to celebrate Holy Massdie Heilige Messe feiern
relig. to celebrate Holy Massdie Heilige Messe zelebrieren
to celebrate Midsummer NightSonnenwende feiern
to celebrate the occasionden Anlass feiern
to celebrate her birthday {adv}anlässlich ihres Geburtstages
to celebrate sb.'s birthdayjds. Geburtstag feiern
to celebrate New Year'sSilvester feiern
to celebrate one's anniversaryseinen Jahrestag feiern
to celebrate one's birthdayseinen Geburtstag feiern
to celebrate one's engagementseine Verlobung feiern
to celebrate one's jubileesein Jubiläum feiern
acad. to celebrate one's promotionseine Promotion feiern
to celebrate a historical eventein historisches Ereignis feiern
to celebrate its 250th anniversarysein 250-jähriges Bestehen feiern [auch: sein 250jähriges Bestehen feiern] [Institution, Ort etc.]
to celebrate the 10th anniversaryden zehnten Jahrestag feiern
to celebrate with a drinkmit einem Umtrunk feiern
to have reason to celebrateGrund zum Feiern haben
proverb Don't celebrate just yet.Freu dich nicht zu früh.
to celebrate into the wee hoursbis in die Puppen feiern [ugs.]
to celebrate within the family circleim Familienkreis feiern
to celebrate within the family circleim Kreis / Kreise der Familie feiern
to celebrate with a few good friendsim engsten Freundeskreis feiern
to celebrate with one's close friendsim engeren Freundeskreis feiern
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