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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: celebration of a goal
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: celebration of a goal

Translation 1 - 50 of 89587  >>

sports celebration of a goalTorjubel {m}
Partial Matches
sports goal celebrationTorjubel {m}
to become a day of celebrationzu einem Feiertag werden
Unverified celebration of a new jobEinstandsfeier {f}
pursuit of a goalVerfolgung {f} eines Zieles
psych. representation of a goalZielvorstellung {f}
to arrange a celebrationein Fest aufziehen [ugs.] [arrangieren]
to have a celebrationfeiern
This calls for a celebration.Das muss gefeiert werden.
in celebration of {prep}anlässlich [+Gen.]
in celebration ofzur Feier [+Gen.]
celebration of ChristmasFeier {f} des Weihnachtsfestes
celebration of marriageEheschließung {f}
celebration of peaceFriedensfeier {f}
relig. celebration of ShabbatSabbatfeier {f}
relig. celebration of SundaySonntagsfeier {f}
relig. (celebration of the) MassMessfeier {f}
celebration of honorary citizenshipEhrenbürgerfeier {f}
celebration of Midsummer NightSonnenwendfeier {f}
relig. celebration of the EucharistEucharistiefeier {f}
celebration of the revolutionRevolutionsfeier {f}
end-of-winter celebrationWinteraustreiben {n}
to accomplish a goalein Ziel erreichen
to achieve a goalein Ziel erreichen
sports to concede a goalein Tor erhalten
sports to concede a goalein Tor kassieren [ugs.]
sports to concede a goalein Tor zulassen [erhalten]
sports to disallow a goalein Tor nicht geben
sports to disallow a goalein Tor nicht werten
sports to prepare a goalein Tor vorbereiten
to pursue a goalein Ziel verfolgen
to reach a goalein Ziel erreichen
sports to score a goalein Tor erzielen
sports to score a goalein Tor schießen
sports to concede a goal [football]einen Gegentreffer hinnehmen müssen
sports to prevent a goal [soccer]ein Tor verhindern [Fußball]
to aim at a goalein Ziel anstreben
to aim for a goalein Ziel anstreben
sports to lie a goal behindmit einem Tor hinten liegen
to strike for a goalein Ziel anstreben
to try for a goalein Ziel anstreben
sports to bag a goal [coll.] [Br.]ein Tor erzielen
sports to back-heel a goal [football]ein Tor per Hacke erzielen
to set sb. / oneself a goaljdm. / sich ein Ziel setzen
to set sb. / oneself a goaljdm. / sich ein Ziel stecken
sports Has a goal been scored?Ist ein Tor gefallen?
sports to have a shot on goaleinen Torschuss abgeben
sports goal from a counter attackKontertor {n}
to achieve a goal through hard workein Ziel durch harte Arbeit erreichen
sports to have a nose for goal [football]einen Torriecher haben
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