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English-German translation for: celestial
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Dictionary English German: celestial

Translation 1 - 59 of 59

English German
ADJ   celestial | more celestial | most celestial
NOUN   a celestial | celestials
SYNO   celestial | heavenly | ethereal ... 
celestial {adj}
celestial {adj} [heavenly]
überirdisch [himmlisch]
relig. celestialHimmelsbewohner {m}
2 Words: Nouns
astron. celestial alignmentSternenkonstellation {f}
celestial beinghimmlisches Wesen {n}
celestial blisshimmlischer Segen {m}
astron. celestial bodiesHimmelskörper {pl}
astron. celestial bodiesPlaneten {pl}
astron. celestial bodyGestirn {n}
astron. celestial bodyHimmelskörper {m}
celestial burialHimmelsbestattung {f}
astron. celestial chartSternkarte {f}
myth. celestial dragonHimmelsdrache {m}
hist. Celestial Empirealtes China {n}
hist. Celestial EmpireHimmlisches Reich {n} [China]
astron. celestial equatorHimmelsäquator {m}
astron. celestial eventHimmelsereignis {n}
astron. celestial eventsHimmelsereignisse {pl}
astron. celestial globeHimmelsglobus {m}
astron. celestial globeSternenglobus {m}
relig. celestial hierarchyhimmlische Hierarchie {f}
astron. celestial mapHimmelskarte {f}
astron. celestial mapSternenkarte {f}
relig. spec. Celestial Master [Chinese Tianshi/T'ien Shih]Himmelsmeister {m}
acad. astron. celestial mechanics {pl} [treated as sg.]Himmelsmechanik {f}
astron. celestial meridianHimmelsmeridian {m}
astron. mil. naut. celestial navigationNavigation {f} nach den Gestirnen
celestial nose [turned-up nose]Himmelfahrtsnase {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
astron. celestial objectHimmelsobjekt {n}
astron. celestial objectastronomisches Objekt {n}
astron. celestial orbitHimmelsbahn {f}
astron. celestial pathHimmelsbahn {f}
celestial peacehimmlische Ruhe {f}
celestial peacehimmlischer Friede {m}
astron. celestial phenomenaHimmelserscheinungen {pl}
astron. celestial phenomenaHimmelsphänomene {pl}
astron. celestial phenomenahimmlische Erscheinungen {pl}
astron. celestial phenomenahimmlische Phänomene {pl}
astron. celestial phenomenonHimmelserscheinung {f}
astron. celestial phenomenonHimmelsphänomen {n}
astron. hist. celestial physics [treated as sg.] [esp. Johannes Kepler]Himmelsphysik {f} [bes. Johannes Kepler]
celestial poleHimmelspol {m}
astron. celestial sphereHimmelskugel {f}
astron. celestial sphereHimmelssphäre {f}
philos. celestial teapotRussells Teekanne {f}
celestial vaultHimmelsgewölbe {n}
3 Words: Nouns
astronau aviat. naut. (automatic) celestial navigation(automatische) Himmelsnavigation {f}
astron. celestial coordinate systemHimmelskoordinatensystem {n}
astron. celestial reference frameraumfester Bezugsrahmen {m}
astron. north celestial poleHimmelsnordpol {m}
astron. south celestial poleHimmelssüdpol {m}
4 Words: Nouns
astron. international celestial reference system <ICRS>internationales Himmelsreferenzsystem {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Celestial Navigation [Anne Tyler]Segeln mit den Sternen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
orn. T
fish T
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A 2015-01-30: Comment valid for celestial mechanics only.
A 2013-02-16: context ? great / super / celestial / splendid etc. etc. etc. .....
A 2012-04-26: The author is trying to connect drifting on the seas with celestial navigation.
A 2011-02-21: celestial order / order of celestial spheres
Q 2010-12-18: celestial event VS. astronomical event
A 2010-10-26: The flood of this celestial phenomenon (e.g. exotic sunset) is melting any...

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