| English | German |  |
| – |
 | med. cell therapy | Zellentherapie {f} |  |
 | med. cell therapy | Zelltherapie {f} |  |
 | med. cell therapy | Zellulartherapie {f} |  |
Keywords contained |
 | med. cell replacement therapy | Zellersatztherapie {f} |  |
 | med. cell-bath therapy | Zellenbadtherapie {f} |  |
 | med. fresh cell therapy | Frischzellentherapie {f} |  |
 | med. live-cell therapy | Frischzellentherapie {f} |  |
 | med. stem cell therapy | Stammzellentherapie {f} |  |
 | med. stem cell therapy <SCT> | Stammzelltherapie {f} <SZT> |  |
 | med. cell therapy in stroke | Zelltherapie {f} beim Schlaganfall |  |
 | med. living-cell therapy [also: living cell therapy] | Frischzellentherapie {f} |  |
 | Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology <IZI> | Fraunhofer-Institut {n} für Zelltherapie und Immunologie <IZI> |  |
Partial Matches |
 | med. radioactive iodine therapy <RAI therapy> [radioiodine therapy] | Radiojodtherapie {f} <RJT> |  |
 | med. non-invasive ventilation therapy <NIV therapy> | nicht-invasive Beatmungstherapie {f} <NIBT, NIB-Therapie> |  |
 | biol. beta cell <β-cell, B cell> | Betazelle {f} <β-Zelle, B-Zelle> |  |
 | med. anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy <anti-VEGF therapy> | anti-vaskuläre endotheliale Wachstumsfaktor-Therapie {f} <Anti-VEGF-Therapie> |  |
 | med. interferon-alpha therapy <IFNα therapy, IFN-alpha therapy> | Interferon-Alpha-Therapie {f} <IFNα-Therapie, IFN-alpha-Therapie> |  |
 | chem. phys. amorphous silicon cell <a-Si cell> | amorphe Siliziumzelle {f} <a-Si-Zelle> |  |
 | tech. differential pressure cell <d/p cell> | Differenzdruck-Messzelle {f} |  |
 | med. Chinese hamster ovary cell <CHO cell> | Chinese-Hamster-Ovary-Zelle {f} [selten] [CHO-Zelle] |  |
 | biol. Chinese hamster ovary cell <CHO cell> | Chinesische Hamster-Ovarienzelle {f} [selten] [CHO-Zelle] |  |
 | biol. human embryonic kidney cell <HEK cell> | HEK-Zelle {f} |  |
 | med. natural killer T cell <NKT cell> | natürliche Killer-T-Zelle {f} <NKT-Zelle> |  |
 | biol. enterochromaffin cell <ECC, EC cell> | enterochromaffine Zelle {f} <EC-Zelle> |  |
 | med. lupus erythematosus cell <LE cell> | Lupus-erythematodes-Zelle {f} <LE-Zelle> |  |
 | med. natural killer cell <NK cell> | natürliche Killerzelle {f} <NK-Zelle> |  |
 | med. intravenous therapy <IV therapy, iv therapy> | Infusionstherapie {f} |  |
 | med. intravenous therapy <IV therapy, iv therapy> | intravenöse Therapie {f} |  |
 | biol. progenitor cell <PG cell> | determinierte Stammzelle {f} [selten] [Progenitorzelle] |  |
 | biol. progenitor cell <PG cell> | Progenitorzelle {f} <PG-Zelle> |  |
 | biol. progenitor cell <PG cell> | Vorläuferzelle {f} |  |
 | biol. cell-to-cell communication | Zell-zu-Zell-Kommunikation {f} |  |
 | biol. cell-cell recognition | Zell-Zell-Erkennung {f} |  |
 | acad. biotech. med. embryonic stem cell <ES, ES cell> | embryonale Stammzelle {f} <ES, ES-Zelle> |  |
 | electr. D-cell / D cell [battery] | Monozelle {f} [Batterie] |  |
 | med. therapy | Behandlung {f} |  |
 | med. therapy | Heilverfahren {n} |  |
 | med. psych. therapy | Therapie {f} |  |
 | lit. F Therapy | Die Therapie [Sebastian Fitzek] |  |
 | med. therapy [remedy] | Heilmittel {n} |  |
 | med. psych. therapy-accompanying {adj} | therapiebegleitend |  |
 | med. therapy-refractory {adj} | therapierefraktär |  |
 | med. therapy-resistant {adj} | therapieresistent |  |
 | med. ablative therapy | Ablativ-Therapie {f} [selten] |  |
 | med. ablative therapy | ablative Therapie {f} |  |
 | med. ablative therapy | Ablativtherapie {f} [selten] |  |
 | med. acne therapy | Aknetherapie {f} |  |
 | med. acupuncture therapy | Akupunkturtherapie {f} |  |
 | med. acute therapy | Akuttherapie {f} |  |
 | med. psych. addiction therapy | Suchttherapie {f} |  |
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