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English-German translation for: cell-to-cell communication
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: cell to cell communication

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tech. test cell [e.g. battery cell, biological cell, fuel cell]Testzelle {f} [z. B. Batteriezelle, biologische Zelle, Brennstoffzelle]
tech. test cell [e.g., battery cell, biological cell, fuel cell]Versuchszelle {f} [z. B. Batteriezelle, biologische Zelle, Brennstoffzelle]
biol. cell-to-cell communicationZell-zu-Zell-Kommunikation {f}
biol. c-cell [parafollicular cell]C-Zelle {f}
biol. neuroglial cell [glial cell]Gliazelle {f}
cell [Am.] [coll.] [cell phone]Gurke {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltet] [selten] [Handy]
biol. fat-storing cell [Ito cell]Fettspeicherzelle {f} [Ito-Zelle]
hermit cell [also: hermit's cell]Klausnerzelle {f} [selten]
biol. Müller cell [also Müller's cell]Müllerzelle {f}
Pfeffer cell [also Pfeffer's cell]Pfeffer'sche Zelle {f}
Pfeffer cell [also Pfeffer's cell]Pfeffersche Zelle {f} [alt]
biol. med. clear-cell system [APUD cell system]Helle-Zellen-System {n} [APUD-Zellsystem]
biol. cytotoxic T cell <Tc cell, CTC>zytotoxische T-Zelle {f} <Tc-Zelle>
biol. hepatic stellate cell <HSC> [Ito cell]Lebersternzelle {f} [auch: Leber-Sternzelle] [Ito-Zelle]
med. clear cell renal cell carcinoma <ccRCC>klarzelliges Nierenzellkarzinom {n}
med. Hodgkin's cell <HC> [also: Hodgkin cell]Hodgkin-Zelle {f}
anat. dent. Hoehl's cell [also: Höhl's cell]Höhl-Zelle {f} [auch: Höhlzelle]
biol. Purkinje cell <PC> [also Purkinje's cell]Purkinjezelle {f} <PZ>
biol. Browicz-Kupffer cell [also: Kupffer-Browicz cell]Browicz-Kupffer-Zelle {f}
med. living-cell therapy [also: living cell therapy]Frischzellentherapie {f}
chem. electr. plastic solar cell <PSC> [organic solar cell]organische Solarzelle {f} <OSZ>
med. round-cell infiltration [also: round cell infiltration]Rundzelleninfiltration {f}
med. round-cell infiltration [also: round cell infiltration]Rundzellinfiltration {f}
biol. induced pluripotent stem cell <iPS cell, iPSC>induzierte pluripotente Stammzelle {f} <iPS-Zelle>
hist. Hamburg cell [Hamburg terror cell of 9/11]Hamburger Zelle {f} [Hamburger Terrorzelle der Al Qaida]
biol. suppressor T-cell <Tsupp> [dated] [regulatory T-cell]Suppressor-T-Zelle {f} <TSupp> [veraltet] [regulatorische T-Zelle]
comp. psych. cell assembly theory [Hebb's theory of cell assemblies]hebbsche Lernregel {f}
electr. tech. coffee bag cell [structural form of a battery cell]Coffee-Bag-Zelle {f} [Bauform einer Batteriezelle]
electr. tech. high efficiency solar cell [also: high-efficiency solar cell]Hochleistungssolarzelle {f}
med. signet ring (cell) carcinoma <SRCC, SRC> [also: signet-ring (cell) carcinoma]Siegelringkarzinom {n}
biol. cell communicationZellkommunikation {f}
biol. perisinusoidal cell [Cellula perisinusoidalis, Cellula accumulans adipem, Lipocytus perisinisoideus] [Ito cell]perisinusoidaler Lipozyt {m} [Ito-Zelle]
med. lupus erythematosus cell phenomenon <LE cell phenomenon>Lupus-erythematodes-Zell-Phänomen {n} <LE-Zell-Phänomen>
med. B-cell chronic lymphotic leukemia <B-CLL, B-cell CLL> [Am.]chronische lymphatische Leukämie {f} vom B-Zell-Typ <B-CLL, BCLL, B-Zellen-CLL>
med. B-cell non-Hodgkin / non-Hodgkin's lymphoma <B-NHL, BNHL, B-cell NHL>B-Zell-Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom {n} <B-NHL, B-Zell-NHL>
biol. beta cell <β-cell, B cell>Betazelle {f} <β-Zelle, B-Zelle>
chem. phys. amorphous silicon cell <a-Si cell>amorphe Siliziumzelle {f} <a-Si-Zelle>
tech. differential pressure cell <d/p cell>Differenzdruck-Messzelle {f}
med. Chinese hamster ovary cell <CHO cell>Chinese-Hamster-Ovary-Zelle {f} [selten] [CHO-Zelle]
biol. Chinese hamster ovary cell <CHO cell>Chinesische Hamster-Ovarienzelle {f} [selten] [CHO-Zelle]
biol. human embryonic kidney cell <HEK cell>HEK-Zelle {f}
med. natural killer T cell <NKT cell>natürliche Killer-T-Zelle {f} <NKT-Zelle>
comp. tech. telecom. point-to-point communicationPunkt-zu-Punkt-Kommunikation {f}
biol. enterochromaffin cell <ECC, EC cell>enterochromaffine Zelle {f} <EC-Zelle>
med. lupus erythematosus cell <LE cell>Lupus-erythematodes-Zelle {f} <LE-Zelle>
med. natural killer cell <NK cell>natürliche Killerzelle {f} <NK-Zelle>
biotech. enucleated {adj} {past-p} [cell nucleus]entkernt [Zellkern]
biol. med. drepanocyte [sickle cell]Drepanozyt {m}
anat. gangliocyte [ganglion cell]Gangliozyt {m}
biol. labrocyte [mast cell]Mastozyt {m}
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