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English-German translation for: cello
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Dictionary English German: cello

Translation 1 - 52 of 52


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NOUN   a cello | cellos
SYNO   cello | violoncello
NOUN   das Cello | die Cellos/Celli
SYNO   Cello | Violoncello
mus. cello
Cello {n}
2 Words: Nouns
mus. banjo celloCellobanjo {n} [Oktave tiefer]
cello bag [coll.]Zellophantüte {f}
mus. cello bowCellobogen {m}
mus. cello bridgeCellosteg {m}
mus. cello caseCelloetui {n}
mus. cello caseCellokasten {m}
mus. cello caseCellokoffer {m}
educ. mus. cello classCelloklasse {f}
mus. cello concertCellokonzert {n} [Veranstaltung]
mus. cello concertoCellokonzert {n} [Komposition]
mus. cello duetCelloduo {n} [Komposition]
mus. cello duo [composition and ensemble]Celloduo {n} [Komposition und Ensemble]
mus. cello ensembleCelloensemble {n} [auch: Cello-Ensemble]
mus. cello étude [also cello etude]Cello-Etüde {f} [auch: Celloetüde]
educ. mus. cello lessonCellostunde {f}
educ. mus. cello lessonsCellostunden {pl}
educ. mus. cello lessons {pl}Cellounterricht {m}
mus. cello literatureCelloliteratur {f}
jobs mus. cello makerCellobauer {m}
jobs mus. cello maker [female]Cellobauerin {f}
ind. mus. cello makingCellobau {m}
mus. cello musicCellomusik {f}
mus. cello muteCellodämpfer {m}
mus. cello partCellopart {m} [auch: Cello-Part]
mus. cello partCellostimme {f}
mus. cello partMusikstück {n} für Cello
mus. cello passageCellopassage {f} [auch Cello-Passage]
mus. cello pegCellowirbel {m}
mus. cello pieceCellostück {n}
mus. cello pipeCellopfeife {f} [Tanzorgel]
mus. cello playingCellospiel {n}
educ. jobs mus. cello professorCelloprofessor {m}
educ. jobs mus. cello professor [female]Celloprofessorin {f}
mus. cello repertoireCellorepertoire {n} [auch: Cello-Repertoire]
mus. cello soloCellosolo {n}
mus. cello sonataCellosonate {f}
mus. cello stringCellosaite {f}
educ. mus. cello studentCelloschüler {m}
educ. mus. cello student [female]Celloschülerin {f}
educ. jobs mus. cello teacherCellolehrer {m}
educ. jobs mus. cello teacher [female]Cellolehrerin {f}
mus. cello techniqueCellotechnik {f}
mus. electric celloE-Cello {n} [elektrisches Cello]
mus. solo celloSolo-Cello {n}
3 Words: Verbs
mus. to play the celloCello spielen
3 Words: Nouns
mus. cello grave pipe16' Cellopfeife {f}
mus. cello sheet music {sg}Cellonoten {pl}
4 Words: Verbs
educ. mus. to have cello lessons with sb.bei jdm. Cellounterricht haben
5+ Words: Nouns
med. columnar epithelium lined lower oesophagus <CELLO> [Br.]Barrett-Ösophagus {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Cellist [Gregor Piatigorsky] [autobiography]Mein Cello und ich und unsere Begegnungen
mus. F Double Concerto for Violin and CelloDoppelkonzert für Violine und Violoncello, op. 102 [J. Brahms]
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