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English-German translation for: cent
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Dictionary English German: cent

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NOUN   a cent | cents/cent
SYNO   cent | centime | penny
NOUN   der Cent | die Cent [in Beträgen]/Cents [einzelne Münzen]
century <c, cent.>
Jahrhundert {n} <Jh., Jhd., Jhdt., Jahrh.>
cent <c, ct.>
Cent {m}
curr. mus. cents
Cent {pl}
curr. dime [Am.] [Can.]10-Cent-Stück {n} [Dollar]
curr. half [coll.] [half-dollar] [Am.]50-Cent-Stück {n}
curr. nickel [Am.] [Can.]5-Cent-Stück {n} [Dollar]
curr. nickel [Am.] [Can.]Fünf-Cent-Münze {f}
curr. nickle [Am.] [spv.]5-Cent-Stück {n}
curr. penny [Am.]1-Cent-Stück {n}
curr. quarter [Am.] [Can.]25-Cent-Stück {n} [Dollar]
2 Words: Others
nickel-size [attr.] [Am.] [Can.]in der Größe einer Fünf-Cent-Münze [nachgestellt]
per cent {adj} <%> [Br.] [e.g. five per cent, 5 per cent, or 5%]-prozentig <%ig> [z. B. fünfprozentig, 5-prozentig oder 5%ig]
per cent <pc, p.c.> [Br.]von / vom Hundert <v. H.>
2 Words: Verbs
to pinch pennies [idiom]jeden Cent zweimal umdrehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
curr. cent coinCentstück {n}
curr. cent pieceCentstück {n}
cent sign <¢>Cent-Zeichen {n}
chicken feed {sg} [coll.] [insignificant sum]ein paar Cent {pl}
curr. euro centEurocent {m}
per cent <%, p/c, pc., p.c.> [Br.]Prozent {n} <%>
red centroter Heller {m}
curr. two bits {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] [Am.] [Can.] [sl.] [dated]25-Cent-Stück {n} [Dollar]
3 Words: Others
one per cent {adj}einprozentig
worth every cent {adj} [postpos.]jeden Cent wert [nachgestellt]
3 Words: Verbs
to count every pennyjeden Cent umdrehen
idiom to pinch and scrape [Br.] [old-fashioned]jeden Cent zweimal umdrehen [ugs.]
idiom to watch every pennyauf den Cent sehen
to watch every pennyauf jeden Cent achten
3 Words: Nouns
atomic per cent [Br.]Atomprozent {n}
curr. fifty-cent coinFünfzigcentstück {n}
curr. fifty-cent coinFünfzig-Cent-Stück {n}
curr. fifty-cent pieceFünfzig-Cent-Stück {n}
curr. fifty-cent piece [half-dollar coin, United States coin]Halbdollar {m} [Halbdollarmünze der USA]
curr. fifty-cent piece <50-cent piece>Fünfzigcentstück {n} <50-Cent-Stück>
travel TrVocab. fifty-cent tour [Am.] [coll.](informelle) Führung {f}
curr. five-cent coinFünfcentstück {n}
curr. five-cent coinFünf-Cent-Stück {n}
curr. five-cent coin <5-cent coin>Fünfcentmünze {f} <5-Cent-Münze>
five-cent coin <5-cent coin>Fünf-Cent-Münze {f} <5-Cent-Münze>
curr. five-cent piece <5-cent piece>Fünfcentstück {n} <5-Cent-Stück>
curr. five-cent piece <5-cent piece>Sechser {m} [ugs., regional: 5-Cent-Stück]
curr. five-cent piece <5-cent piece>Fünf-Cent-Stück {n} <5-Cent-Stück>
one per cent <1%>ein Hundertstel {n} <1/100>
curr. one-cent coinEin-Cent-Stück {n}
curr. one-cent coin <1-cent coin>Eincentmünze {f} <1-Cent-Münze>
curr. one-cent coin <1-cent coin>Eincentstück {n} <1-Cent-Stück>
curr. one-cent pieceEincentstück {n} <1-Cent-Stück>
curr. one-cent pieceEin-Cent-Stück {n} <1-Cent-Stück>
curr. one-cent piece <1-cent piece>Eincentmünze {f} <1-Cent-Münze>
comp. electr. per cent key [Br.]Prozenttaste {f}
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A 2022-12-01: Unfortunate confusion between +Cent / Zent+ and +Zehent+
A 2022-10-19: my five cent
Q 2018-11-21: cent per cent was the lowest of it + into space
A 2018-01-12: @aphoenix: If you go by Merriam-Webster or Oxford online, you can at least...
A 2017-02-23: +Wahrscheinlichkeit+ ist nicht dasselbe wie +Sicherheit;+ eine Sicherheit ...
A 2016-11-09: The price had an 80 per-cent share in determining the decision taken.
A 2016-02-04: Gibt es nicht +Masseprozent > per cent / percent by mass?+
A 2015-12-03: Only getting 20-something per cent in elections (or possibly opinion polls).
A 2015-02-14: Didn't lose a cent.
A 2014-08-08: Just one penny or cent for every decision taken by somebody without ever b...
A 2014-04-22: Meine 5 (Euro)Cent
A 2014-03-04: The proportion of procurement from Europe is comes to 90 per cent
A 2013-09-10: ? normally three per cent (BE)
A 2013-04-18: Meine fünfzig Cent.
A 2012-09-12: I would write fifty per cent and 50%, but you do also see 2.5 per cent and...
A 2012-08-11: used to be the correct spelling in former times (ard. 19th cent.) AFAIK
A 2012-04-13: In BE, per cent is two words.
A 2012-03-18: +less than+ < Subjekt im Singular: less than one per cent; +fewer than+ < ...
A 2011-09-04: my 1 cent
A 2011-06-30: UK spelling: +percentage+ but +per cent+

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