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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: centers
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Dictionary English German: centers

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
NOUN   a center | centers
VERB  to center | centered | centered
centering | centers
sb. centers [Am.]
jd. zentriert
centers [Am.]
Zentren {pl}
centers [Am.]
Hauptpunkte {pl}
2 Words
agricultural centers [Am.]landwirtschaftliche Zentren {pl}
market. call centers [Am.]Callcenter {pl}
market. call centers [Am.]Call-Center {pl}
med. Charité Centers [Am.] [Charité - Berlin University of Medicine, Germany]Charitézentren {pl} [Eigenschreibweise: CharitéCentren]
consumer centersVerbraucherzentralen {pl}
econ. FireResc telecom. control centers [Am.]Leitstellen {pl}
cultural centers [Am.]Kulturzentren {pl}
distribution centers [Am.]Verteilzentren {pl}
federal centers [Am.]Bundeszentren {pl}
econ. growth centers [Am.]Wachstumszentren {pl}
educ. learning centers [Am.]Lernorte {pl}
production centers [Am.]Produktionsstätten {pl}
comm. shopping centers [Am.]Einkaufszentren {pl}
urban centers [Am.]städtische Zentren {pl}
urban centers [Am.]urbane Zentren {pl}
3 Words
centers of excellence [Am.]Kompetenzzentren {pl}
med. medical service centers [Am.]medizinische Versorgungszentren {pl} <MVZ>
political control centers [Am.]politische Schaltzentralen {pl}
5+ Words
to keep the holiday centers active [Am.]die Urlaubszentren offen halten
admin. med. pol. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention <CDC> [Am.]CDC {pl} [kein Singular; Zuständigkeit entspricht in etwa der des Robert-Koch-Instituts in Deutschland]
admin. med. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention <CDC> [Am.]Zentren {pl} für Krankheitskontrolle und Prävention [Seuchenschutzbehörde der USA]
acad. Helmholtz Association of German Research CentersHelmholtz-Gemeinschaft {f} Deutscher Forschungszentren
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A 2013-03-30: @Lisa: Ah, those wonderful extension centers!
A 2011-06-17: Standort des ehemaligen World Trade Centers
A 2011-01-18: ...oder vielleicht einfach "stock"=Lager oder "distribution centers"?
A 2010-07-15: cost centers are credited standard costs
Q 2010-04-07: In einem Lebenslauf: "Aufbau eines Call-Centers"
Q 2010-03-24: centers of interest
Q 2009-12-15: alarm centers
A 2009-07-07: Check out German classes at senior centers, community colleges, craigslist, etc.
A 2008-06-22: profit centres (BE), profit centers (AE)
A 2007-03-30: Position centers must be aligned accurately.
A 2007-03-30: what are centers of positions??
A 2006-01-26: three profit centers, three columns, three main units...
Q 2004-02-24: CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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