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English-German translation for: certain
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Dictionary English German: certain

Translation 1 - 50 of 166  >>

English German
ADJ   certain | more certain | most certain
SYNO   certain | sure | sealed
certain {adj}
certain {adj}
certain {adj}
certain {adj}
2 Words: Others
a certain ...ein gewisser ...
a certain ... [of a woman]eine gewisse ...
absolutely certain {adj}zweifelsfrei
dead certain {adj}bombensicher [ugs.] [unveränderbar]
dead certain {adj}todsicher [ugs.]
dead certain {adj}ganz sicher
for certain {adv}sicherlich
quite certain {adj}ganz sicher
sth. was certainetw. stand fest [war gewiss]
virtually certainso gut wie sicher
2 Words: Verbs
to be certainfeststehen
to feel certainsicher sein [keine Zweifel haben]
to feel certainsichDat. sicher sein
to make certainsichAkk. versichern [vergewissern]
2 Words: Nouns
annuity certainZeitrente {f}
certain agebestimmtes Alter {n}
certain amountbestimmter Betrag {m}
certain amountgewisser Betrag {m}
certain daybestimmter Tag {m}
certain deathsicherer Tod {m}
certain eventsicheres Ereignis {n}
certain habitsgewisse Gewohnheiten {pl}
archi. constr. certain levelbestimmtes Geschoss {n}
archi. constr. certain levelbestimmtes Geschoß {n} [österr.] [südd.] [sonst alt]
certain levelbestimmtes Niveau {n}
certain pagesgewisse Seiten {pl} [in Büchern etc.]
certain proportiongewisser Anteil {m}
certain qualificationsbestimmte Voraussetzungen {pl}
certain signuntrügliches Zeichen {n}
certain sumgewisser Betrag {m}
nothing certainnichts Gewisses {n}
3 Words: Others
certain of success {adj} [postpos.]siegessicher
certain of victory {adj} [postpos.]siegessicher
far from certain {adj}keineswegs sicher
far from certain {adj}alles andere als sicher
for certain reasons {adv}aus bestimmten Erwägungen (heraus)
in certain areas {adv}bereichsweise
in certain cases {adv}in bestimmten Fällen
in certain cases {adv}in gewissen Fällen
in certain circumstances {adv}unter gewissen Umständen
That's absolutely certain.Das steht bombensicher fest. [ugs.]
under certain circumstances {adv}unter bestimmten Umständen
under certain conditions {adv}unter bestimmten Bedingungen
under certain conditions {adv}unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen
under certain conditions {adv}unter gewissen Bedingungen
under certain conditions {adv}unter gewissen Umständen
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A 2023-05-02: The less we can be certain, the more the esoteric is a source of wonder? W...
A 2022-07-15: He who had the keenest interest was a certain Dr. Herbert Jehle
A 2019-09-10: Or else, +moved by a certain insight+
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A 2019-04-16: That does not matter. Fact is that some people may find natural beauty fe...
A 2019-03-18: In Britain, one's reminded of a certain mispronunciation of the letter R w...
A 2019-01-28: Ich bin auf +der+ Arbeit (in a certain job); ich bin auf Arbeit > I work /...
A 2019-01-20: https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&ei=gVJEXNCHArDksAfZmJPICQ&q=define+...
Q 2019-01-20: morally certain
A 2017-03-03: In how far doeS the film imply certain criterIa?
A 2017-03-03: in how far doe the film imply certain critera
A 2017-02-15: Deleting the cookies will stop personal ads up to a certain point
A 2017-01-06: I think the chalice has a certain charm, as well :-)
A 2016-09-25: they play a (certain) role
A 2016-05-17: up to certain limits
A 2016-01-19: Because the past perfect describes a result (i.e. the end of a process) at...
Q 2015-11-02: The belief that one is capable of doing one's share, holding up one's end ...
Q 2015-10-31: The belief that one is capable of doing one's share, holding up one's end ...
A 2015-10-24: In the query, a C ought to replace a certain N
A 2015-10-14: A company has to outfit itself by purchasing a certain number of software ...

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