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Dictionary English German: cf

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SYNO   cf | cf. | Cf | atomic number 98 ... 
compare <cf.>
vergleiche <vgl.>
confer <cf.>
vergleiche <vgl.>
confer <cf.>
confer <cf., cfr., conf.>
chem. californium <Cf>
Californium {n} <Cf>
chem. californium <Cf>Kalifornium {n} <Cf> [selten] [Californium]
2 Words: Nouns
oenol. Cabernet FrancCabernet Franc {m} [auch: Cabernet franc, Cabernet Frank] <Cf>
electr. calibration frequency <CF>Eichfrequenz {f}
telecom. call forwarding <CF>Anrufweiterleitung {f}
telecom. call forwarding <CF>Anrufweiterschaltung {f}
telecom. call forwarding <CF>Rufumleitung {f}
med. cardiac failure <CF>Herzinsuffizienz {f} <HI> [ICD-10]
med. cardiac failure <CF>Herzversagen {n}
anat. cardiac fibroblast <CF>kardialer Fibroblast {m}
pharm. citrovorum factor <CF>Citrovorum-Faktor {m} <CF>
med. clavicular fracture <CF> [Fractura claviculae]Claviculafraktur {f}
med. clavicular fracture <CF> [Fractura claviculae]Schlüsselbeinfraktur {f}
chem. med. clumping factor <CF>Verklumpungsfaktor {m}
EU pol. cohesion fund <CF>Kohäsionsfonds {m} <KF>
anat. collagenous fiber <CF> [Fibra collagenosa]kollagene Faser {f}
admin. community foundation <CF>Bürgerstiftung {f}
spec. compliance factor <CF>Compliance-Faktor {m}
critical frequency <CF>kritische Frequenz {f}
chem. phys. crystal field <CF>Kristallfeld {n} <KF>
comm. QM customer focus <CF>Kundenorientierung {f} <KO>
med. cystic fibrosis <CF>Mukoviszidose {f}
med. cystic fibrosis <CF>cystische Fibrose {f} <CF>
med. cystic fibrosis <CF>zystische Fibrose {f}
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. Central African Republic <.cf>Zentralafrikanische Republik {f}
phys. crystal field theory <CFT>Kristallfeldtheorie {f} <CF-Theorie>
4 Words: Nouns
tech. unit cubic feet per minute <CFM, cf/min>Kubikfuß {pl} pro Minute
stocks price/cash flow ratio <PCR, PCF, P/CF>Kurs-Cashflow-Verhältnis {n} <KCV>
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Q 2024-07-21: Retention or retension? Cf. Forum 18-07-2024!
A 2023-04-24: Legally, I am afraid, the term is (cf. 19:51) +stopping prohibited > absol...
A 2023-04-15: https://logeion.uchicago.edu/%E1%BC%90%CE%BB%CE%AD%CE%B3%CF%87%CF%89
A 2023-03-27: Cf. different meanings of +to knock up+ ...
A 2023-03-11: Cf. modern Greek παιδεύω transitive verb1. instruct2. (βασανίζω) torment ...
A 2023-01-03: Cf. the ubiquitous practice of +shoplifting+ ...
A 2022-12-19: Cf. the meanings of the respective adjective
A 2022-11-23: Verknüpfung zu Pape: http://www.zeno.org/Zeno/0/Suche?q=%E1%BD%84%CE%BB%CF...
A 2022-10-19: Cf. +try+ in Rugby https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Try_(rugby)
A 2022-08-11: Anarchy caused by a military impostor (cf. review linked below)
A 2021-11-22: Cf. dict.cc — by choice {adj} [attr.] [postpos.] > Wahl- [z. B. Berliner] ...
A 2021-10-05: Cf. the UK Highway Code
A 2021-06-10: Cf. abteufen / das Abteufen https://www.dict.cc/german-english/ab...
A 2021-06-04: In summary—overdrafts are good for short-term operating expenses and loans...
A 2021-05-23: Cf. Lehnstreue > feudal faith
A 2021-05-17: Cf. Lexico
A 2021-03-25: +intraoperativ+ ? Perhaps +was treated intraoperatively+, cf. LINX below
A 2021-03-17: Quetschfalzzange > seaming pliers — +rabbet seam+ may or may not do the jo...
A 2021-02-08: peer victimization ~ bullying, ballyregging / bullyragging, hazing; cf. ra...
A 2021-01-13: Cf. Blond p. 425, Brunett pp. 458 & 482

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