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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: chair sth.
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: chair sth

Translation 1 - 50 of 41031  >>

Keywords contained
to chair sth.etw.Dat. vorstehen [leiten] [Ausschusssitzung, Komitee etc.]
Partial Matches
med. MedTech. ear-nose-throat chair <ENT chair>HNO-Stuhl {m}
to chairden Vorsitz führen
to chairleiten [als Vorsitzender]
acad. educ. chairLehrkanzel {f} [österr.] [veraltet]
acad. educ. chairLehrstuhl {m}
chairPräsidium {n}
acad. chairProfessur {f}
furn. chairSessel {m} [österr.] [Stuhl]
furn. chairSitz {m}
furn. chairStuhl {m}
chairVorsitz {m}
to chair [meeting]moderieren [Besprechung]
to chair sb.[jdn. auf einem Stuhl im Triumph herumtragen]
furn. chair [armchair]Sessel {m}
chair [chairman]Vorsitzender {m}
furn. (arm) chairChaise {f} [veraltet] [Sessel, Stuhl]
dent. furn. (dental) chairStuhl {m} [ugs. für: Dentalstuhl, Behandlungsstuhl]
acad. academic chairLehrstuhl {m}
furn. Adirondack chairAdirondack-Gartensessel {m}
furn. arm chairSessel {m}
furn. awkward chairunbequemer Stuhl {m}
furn. baby-chairBaby-Stuhl {m}
furn. bar chairBarstuhl {m}
cosmet. furn. barber chairFrisierstuhl {m}
furn. Barcelona chairBarcelona-Sessel {m}
furn. barrel chairRundsessel {m}
furn. basket chairgeflochtener Stuhl {m}
furn. basket chairKorbsessel {m}
furn. basket chairRohrstuhl {m}
furn. beach chairBadeliege {f}
furn. beach chairLiegestuhl {m}
furn. beach chairPoolliege {f}
furn. beach chairStrandliege {f}
furn. beach chairStrandstuhl {m}
furn. beanbag chairSitzsack {m}
furn. bentwood chairBugholzstuhl {m}
med. birth chairGeburtsstuhl {m}
med. birthing chairGebärstuhl {m}
furn. bowl chairSchalenstuhl {m}
furn. camp chairCampingsessel {m} [österr.]
furn. camp chairCampingstuhl {m}
furn. camp chairFeldstuhl {m}
furn. camp-chairKlappstuhl {m}
furn. sports camping chairCampingsessel {m} [österr.]
furn. camping chairCampingstuhl {m}
furn. cantilever chairFreischwinger {m}
furn. cantilever chairFreischwingersessel {m}
furn. cantilever chairKragstuhl {m}
furn. canvas chairSegeltuchstuhl {m}
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