| English | German | |
| educ. chalk and talk technique [teaching method] | Frontalunterricht {m} | |
Partial Matches |
| MedTech. echo-planar imaging and signal targeting with alternating radio frequency technique <EPISTAR technique> | EPISTAR-Technik {f} | |
| to be like chalk and cheese [Br.] [idiom] | überhaupt nicht zusammenpassen | |
| as different as chalk and cheese {adj} [Br.] [idiom] | so verschieden wie Tag und Nacht [Redewendung] | |
| as different as chalk and cheese {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] | verschieden wie Tag und Nacht [Redewendung] | |
| to be as alike as chalk and cheese [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] | sich wie Tag und Nacht gleichen [Redewendung] | |
| comp. electr. circuit and program technique | Schaltungs- und Programmtechnik {f} | |
| dent. crown and bridge technique | Kronen- und Brückentechnik {f} | |
| constr. cut-and-cover technique | offene Bauweise {f} | |
| chem. mix-and-split technique | Mix-Split-Technik / Mix-and-Split-Technik {f} [«Mischen-und-Trennen-Technik»] | |
| art spec. oil and wax technique | Öl-Wachs-Technik {f} | |
| chem. split-and-combine technique | Split-and-Combine-Technik {f} | |
| trial-and-error technique | Versuch-und-Irrtum-Methode {f} | |
| idiom to talk about anything and everything | über Gott und die Welt reden | |
| to talk about everything and anything | über Gott und die Welt reden | |
| all talk and no action | nur Gerede und keine Taten | |
| QM program evaluation and review technique <PERT> | Ereignis-Knoten-Darstellung {f} [PERT-Schätzung] | |
| QM program evaluation and review technique <PERT> | PERT-Drei-Punkt-Schätzung {f} [PERT-Dreipunktschätzung] | |
| QM program evaluation and review technique <PERT> | PERT-Schätzung {f} [Dreipunktschätzung] | |
| proverb Talk of the devil, and his imp appears. | Wenn man vom Teufel spricht, kommt er gerannt. | |
| econ. program / project evaluation and review technique <PERT> [Am.] | PERT-Technik {f} [ugs.] | |
| proverb Talk of the devil, and he is bound to appear. | Wenn man vom Teufel spricht, dann ist er nicht weit. | |
| to talk about one's favourite subject again and again [Br.] | dem / seinem Affen Zucker geben [Redewendung] | |
| proverb quote Talk of the devil, and his horns appear. [S. T. Coleridge] | Wenn man vom Teufel spricht, kommt er (gerannt). | |
| quote Talk low, talk slow and don't say too much. [John Wayne] | Rede einfach, rede langsam und sag nicht zu viel. | |
| lit. theatre F Talk to Me Like the Rain And Let Me Listen ... [Tennessee Williams] | Sprich zu mir wie der Regen, und ich hör zu ... | |
| MedTech. delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage technique <dGEMRIC technique> | dGEMRIC-Technik {f} | |
| MedTech. rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement technique <RARE technique> | RARE-Technik {f} | |
| MedTech. half-Fourier single-shot turbo spine echo technique <HASTE technique> | HASTE-Technik {f} | |
| phys. chemical shift selective saturation technique <CHESS technique> | CHESS-Technik {f} | |
| med. multiple occlusion technique <MOT, MO technique> | multiple Okklusionstechnik {f} <MOT> [selten: multiple Okklusionentechnik] | |
| constr. continuous flight auger technique <CFA technique> | Schneckenortbetonverfahren {n} <SOB-Verfahren> [auch: Schnecken-Ortbeton-Verfahren] | |
| MedTech. echo-planar imaging technique <EPI technique> | EPI-Technik {f} | |
| QM three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)> | Drei-Punkt-Schätzung {f} <3-Punkt-Schätzung> | |
| QM three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)> | Drei-Zeiten-Methode {f} | |
| QM three-point estimation (technique) <3-point estimation (technique)> | Dreipunktschätzung {f} <3-Punkt-Schätzung> | |
| phys. attenuated total reflectance (technique) <ATR, ATR technique> | ATR-Technik {f} | |
| electr. four-wire technique <4-wire technique> | Vierleitertechnik {f} <4-Leitertechnik> | |
| electr. three-wire technique <3-wire technique> | Dreileitertechnik {f} <3-Leitertechnik> | |
| electr. two-wire technique <2-wire technique> | Zweileitertechnik {f} <2-Leitertechnik> | |
| to chalk | mit Kreide anmerken | |
| geol. chalk | Kalk {m} | |
| chalk | Kreide {f} | |
| chalk | Kreidestift {m} | |
| to chalk [wall] | kalken | |
| constr. to chalk [wall] | weißen | |
| mil. chalk [Am.] | [Gruppe von Soldaten in einem Kampfhubschrauber] | |
| chalk blue {adj} | kreideblau | |
| chalk-eyed {adj} | grauäugig | |
| chalk-white {adj} | kreidebleich | |
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