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English-German translation for: challenges
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Dictionary English German: challenges

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

English German
NOUN   a challenge | challenges
VERB  to challenge | challenged | challenged
challenging | challenges
sb./sth. challengesjd./etw. fordert heraus
challenges [tasks]
Anforderungen {pl} [Erfordernisse]
Herausforderungen {pl}
2 Words
because sb./sth. challengesweil jd./etw. herausfordert
to face challengesmit Herausforderungen konfrontiert sein
to face challengessich vor Herausforderungen gestellt sehen
to meet challengesAnforderungen bestehen
to meet challengesHerausforderungen meistern
to present challengesAnforderungen stellen
agr. cultivation challengesAnbauherausforderungen {pl}
3 Words
to accept new challengessich neuen Herausforderungen stellen
to meet new challengessich neuen Herausforderungen stellen
4 Words
law to mount legal challenges to sth.etw. juristisch anfechten
econ. challenges of global competitivenessweltwirtschaftliche Herausforderungen {pl}
5+ Words
Well, life's full of small challenges.Das sind die kleinen Herausforderungen des Alltags.
to be faced with enormous challengesvor enormen Herausforderungen stehen
to be faced with huge challengesvor enormen Herausforderungen stehen
to be faced with huge challengesvor riesigen Herausforderungen stehen
challenges of the 21st centuryHerausforderungen {pl} des 21. Jahrhunderts
relig. theological challenges from the Third Worldtheologische Anstöße {pl} aus der Dritten Welt
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Q 2015-07-31: acute challenges to their common values
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Q 2013-11-08: world faces challenges never before witnessed
A 2012-06-04: challenges
Q 2012-03-10: real-world challenges
A 2012-01-22: The biggest challenges are derived from the problem analysis
A 2011-10-12: We believe that "New challenges are just opportunities to learn something."
A 2011-08-19: SMM - prospects and challenges for the new kind of online marketing in Web 2.0
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A 2011-04-05: solved challenges ?
Q 2011-02-17: school duals und housing challenges
Q 2011-01-25: challenges
A 2010-09-29: challenges

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