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English-German translation for: character's dedication
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Dictionary English German: character's dedication

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lit. children's book characterKinderbuchfigur {f}
character-by-character modezeichenweiser Betrieb {m}
to read sb.'s characterjdn. durchschauen
defect in one's characterCharakterfehler {m}
to malign sb.'s characterjdm. Übles nachsagen
to change one's characterseinen Charakter ändern
to clear one's characterseinen Charakter läutern
flaw in sb.'s characterjds. Charakterfehler {m}
to shape sb.'s characterjdn. prägen [jds. Charakter]
to spoil sb.'s characterjdm. den Charakter verderben
Who's that character?Wer ist der Kerl?
to reckon up sb.'s characterjds. Charakter einschätzen
blot on one's characterMakel {m} am Charakter
dedicationEinweihung {f}
dedicationEngagement {n}
dedicationHingabe {f}
dedicationÜberlassung {f}
dedicationWeihe {f}
relig. dedicationWeihung {f}
dedicationWidmung {f}
to mold sb.'s character [Am.]jdn. prägen [jds. Charakter]
to mould sb.'s character [Br.]jdn. prägen [jds. Charakter]
dedicationDedikation {f} [geh.]
dedication copyWidmungsexemplar {n}
archaeo. dedication inscriptionWidmungsinschrift {f}
art hist. dedication miniatureDedikationsbild {n}
biol. dedication nameDedikationsname {m}
biol. dedication nameWidmungsname {m}
print dedication pageWidmungsseite {f}
art dedication pictureDedikationsbild {f}
art dedication pictureWidmungsbild {n}
to assassinate a rival's characterden Ruf eines Gegners zerstören
relig. indelible characterCharacter {m} indelibilis
dedication [commitment]Einsatz {m} [Hingabe]
tireless dedicationunermüdlicher Einsatz {m}
letter of dedicationWidmungsbrief {m}
relig. prayer of dedicationWeihegebet {n}
lit. F Dedication [Stephen King]Zueignung
to project one's character onto othersvon sich auf andere schließen
dedication of youthHingabe {f} der Jugend
comp. cyclic redundancy check character <CRC character>CRC-Zeichen {n}
idiom It's (so) out of character for you.Das sieht dir gar nicht ähnlich.
idiom to show the unpleasant side of one's characterdie rauhe Seite nach außen kehren
relig. dedication of a churchEinweihung {f} einer Kirche
book with personal dedicationBuch {n} mit persönlicher Widmung
relig. dedication of a churchKirchenweihe {f} [Weihe einer Kirche]
relig. dedication of a churchKirchweihe {f} [Weihe einer Kirche]
relig. dedication of the churchKirchweihe {f} [Weihe der Kirche]
dedication ceremony [e. g. memorial]Einweihungsfeier {f} [z. B. Gedenkstätte]
dedication to medicineHingabe {f} an den Beruf des Arztes
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