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English-German translation for: charcoal
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Dictionary English German: charcoal

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

English German
NOUN1   a charcoal | charcoals
NOUN2   charcoal | -
SYNO   charcoal | charcoal-gray ... 
Holzkohle {f}
Kohle {f}
charcoal [colour]
Dunkelgrau {n}
art charcoal [in stick form]
Zeichenkohle {f}
art charcoal
Kohlestift {m}
gastr. charcoal
Grillkohle {f}
Aktivkohle {f}
charcoal {sg}
Holzkohlen {pl}
2 Words: Others
charcoal grey {adj} [Br.]dunkelgrau
charcoal grey {adj} [Br.]koksgrau
2 Words: Verbs
to burn charcoal [in a kiln]Holz verkohlen
gastr. to charcoal-grill sth.etw. über Holzkohle grillen
to make charcoal [from wood]Holz verschwelen
2 Words: Nouns
activated charcoalAktivkohle {f}
pharm. activated charcoal [Carbo medicinalis]medizinische Kohle {f}
animal charcoalKnochenkohle {f}
animal charcoalTierkohle {f}
animal charcoaltierische Kohle {f}
gastr. barbecue charcoalGrillholzkohle {f}
charcoal absorberAktivkohlefilter {m}
charcoal briquetteHolzkohlenbrikett {n}
charcoal briquettesKohlebriketts {pl} [ugs.] [Holzkohlebriketts]
jobs charcoal burnerKöhler {m}
charcoal burner [female]Köhlerin {f}
charcoal burningKöhlerei {f}
charcoal burningKöhlern {n}
art charcoal crayonKohlestift {m}
art charcoal drawingKohlezeichnung {f}
charcoal dustHolzkohlenstaub {m}
charcoal dustHolzkohlestaub {m}
charcoal filterKohlefilter {m} [fachspr. auch {n}]
charcoal fireHolzkohlenfeuer {n}
charcoal fragmentHolzkohlefragment {n}
gastr. charcoal grillHolzkohlegrill {m}
gastr. charcoal grillHolzkohlengrill {m}
ind. charcoal kilnHolzkohlenmeiler {m}
charcoal kilnKohlenmeiler {m}
charcoal kilnMeiler {m} [Kohlenmeiler]
charcoal lighterGrillanzünder {m}
jobs charcoal makerKöhler {m}
jobs charcoal maker [female]Köhlerin {f}
charcoal pileKohlenmeiler {m}
ind. charcoal pileMeiler {m}
charcoal powderHolzkohlepulver {n}
for. material charcoal productionHolzkohleherstellung {f}
for. material charcoal productionHolzkohleproduktion {f}
archaeo. charcoal remainsHolzkohlereste {pl}
charcoal retortRetorte {f} für (die) Verkohlung
charcoal rubbing[Durchreiben / Durchpausen eines Reliefs auf ein Blatt Papier mit Zeichenkohle]
pharm. charcoal tabletKohletablette {f}
art compressed charcoalReißkohle {f}
filter charcoalFilterkohle {f}
filtering charcoalFilterkohle {f}
biochem. chem. med. granulated charcoalHolzkohlengrieß {m}
gastr. grilling charcoalGrillholzkohle {f}
material leather charcoalLederkohle {f}
peat charcoalTorfkoks {m}
art pressed charcoalReißkohle {f}
willow charcoalWeidenkohle {f}
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. activated charcoal breadschwarzes Brot {n} [ugs.] [Kohlenbrot, Brot mit (medizinischer) Aktivkohle]
activated charcoal filterAktivkohlefilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
gastr. charcoal-grilled herring [esp. in Franconia, Germany]Wedelhering {m} [regional] [selten] [gegrillter Hering]
5+ Words: Others
comm. EU Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal; cork and articles of cork; manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork [European Customs Portal, Section IX]Holz und Holzwaren; Holzkohle; Kork und Korkwaren; Flechtwaren und Korbmacherwaren [Europa-Zollportal, Abschnitt IX]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
fish T
mycol. T
mycol. T
mycol. T
zool. T
zool. T
» See 5 more translations for charcoal within comments
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A 2016-01-05: I second charcoal
A 2016-01-05: I agree with Windfall - probably charcoal.
A 2010-05-13: activated charcoal > but isn't it the way it is always referred to ???
A 2010-05-13: you need not "activate" charcoal - Aktivkohle IS "charcoal"
A 2010-05-13: prompt administration / activated charcoal
A 2010-05-13: charcoal (not carbon)
A 2010-04-07: barbecue beech charcoal
A 2010-04-07: "charcoal" is sufficient.
A 2010-04-07: When using a charcoal grill, allow the coals to burn out completely.
A 2007-11-27: kein Grillanzünder erforderlich > no charcoal lighter (fluid) needed
A 2007-08-24: Char? Meinst Du 'charcoal' (ein Wort)?
A 2006-12-11: charcoal
A 2005-07-14: until the charcoal is red hot
A 2004-04-18: lignite has to do with coal/charcoal

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