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Dictionary English German: charging

Translation 1 - 50 of 92  >>

English German
NOUN   a charging | chargings
VERB  to charge | charged | charged
charging | charges
econ. electr. charging
Belastung {f}
Erhebung {f} [von Gebühr etc.]
Aufladung {f} [Aufladen]
Verrechnung {f}
econ. charging
Leistungsverrechnung {f}
electr. charging
Aufladen {n}
Ladevorgang {m}
Gebührenberechnung {f}
ind. spec. chargingBeschicken {n} [eines Hochofens]
ind. chargingBeschickung {f} [von Hochöfen]
sports charging [offence by using physical force against an opposing player]unkorrektes Rempeln {n} [Foulspiel mit übertriebenem Körpereinsatz]
2 Words: Others
charging with {adj}beauftragend
hard-charging {adj}tatkräftig
mil. hard-charging {adj} [Am.]kampferfahren und vorbildlich
2 Words: Nouns
charging areaLadebereich {m}
electr. charging blockLadeblock {m}
electr. charging cableLadekabel {n}
electr. charging cableLadeleitung {f} [Ladekabel]
electr. charging capacitorAufladekondensator {m} [ugs.] [Ladekondensator]
electr. charging capacitorLadekondensator {m}
electr. charging capacityLadekapazität {f}
electr. charging capacityLadeleistung {f}
charging circuitAkkuladeschaltung {f}
electr. charging circuitLadeschaltung {f}
automot. charging columnLadesäule {f}
tech. charging cradleLadeschale {f}
tech. charging craneBegichtungskran {m}
tech. charging craneBeschickungskran {m}
tech. charging craneChargierkran {m}
electr. charging currentLadestrom {m}
electr. charging deviceLadegerät {n}
zool. charging displayImponierverhalten {n}
electr. phys. charging effectLadeeffekt {m}
charging elephantangreifender Elefant {m}
electr. charging equipmentAufladegerät {n}
weapons charging handleDurchladehebel {m}
automot. charging infrastructureLadeinfrastruktur {f}
charging methodAbrechnungsart {f}
electr. charging methodLadeverfahren {n} [Akku etc.]
electr. charging outputLadeausgang {m}
charging panelLadeschalttafel {f}
charging periodLadezeit {f}
tech. telecom. charging pillowLadekissen {n}
electr. charging plugLadestecker {m}
automot. electr. charging pointLadepunkt {m}
transp. charging point [for electric vehicles]Ladestation {f} [für Elektrofahrzeuge]
electr. charging portLadebuchse {f}
electr. charging potentialLadepotential {n}
electr. charging processLadevorgang {m}
charging rateGebührensatz {m}
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Q 2019-05-09: "AC Charging"
Q 2016-11-17: room charging privileges
A 2016-09-24: A lion charging at its prey?
Q 2016-09-24: a charging lion
A 2014-11-13: +Aufziehen+ probably refers to "charging" [the air reservoir].
A 2012-04-01: charging what though?
A 2012-04-01: landlord is charging and gets the money = income ...?!
A 2012-02-13: a charging beast
Q 2011-04-03: And to think, now the New York Times is charging for us to see such biased...
Q 2010-12-01: charging engine
Q 2010-05-21: charging source
A 2009-10-05: http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/#hl=en&source=hp&q=%22load+management%22+c...
A 2009-04-15: more like the art of charging methinks...
A 2008-06-27: well, before I read geric's comment I thought the engineers arrive on Sund...
A 2008-01-30: charging against receipts
A 2007-11-21: charging chain
A 2007-10-03: I really hope you are charging a LOT of money for this translation ....
A 2007-07-23: Spielfreude > pleasure of playing; viel Zug zum Tor > constant charging to...
A 2007-03-08: Only with the demon of charging ahead to get there is it impossible to liv...
Q 2006-05-10: road charging scheme

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charging crane
charging current

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