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English-German translation for: chaser
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Dictionary English German: chaser

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

English German
NOUN   a chaser | chasers
SYNO   chaser | pursuer
Verfolger {m}
chaser [womanizer]
Schürzenjäger {m} [ugs.]
Jäger {m}
chaser [Br.] [drink]
[harter Drink, der zu etw. weniger Starkem getrunken wird]
chaserTerminjäger {m}
jobs chaserZiseleur {m}
chaser [womanizer]Steiger {m} [österr.] [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
law ambulance chaser [sl.][ein auf Unfallmandate erpichter Anwalt]
hist. mil. naut. bow chaserBuggeschütz {n}
hist. mil. naut. bow-chaserBuggeschütz {n}
traffic bumper chaser [coll.]Drängler {m} [ugs.] [im Straßenverkehr]
tech. chaser lightLauflicht {n}
tech. chaser lights {pl}Lauflicht {n}
chubby chaser [coll.][jd., der mollige Menschen attraktiv findet]
tech. light chaserLauflicht {n}
progress chaserTerminjäger {m}
skirt chaser [coll.]Poussierstengel {m} [alt] [ugs.] [veraltend] [hum.] [junger Mann, der gern, viel mit Mädchen flirtet]
idiom skirt chaser [coll.]Schürzenjäger {m} [ugs.]
hist. mil. naut. stern chaserHeckgeschütz {n}
hist. mil. naut. stern-chaserHeckgeschütz {n}
storm chaser [fig.]Sturmjäger {m} [fig.]
mil. naut. submarine chaserU-Bootjäger {m}
thread chaserGewindestrehler {m}
jobs meteo. tornado chaserTornado-Jäger {m}
tech. wall chaserWandschlitzfräse {f}
widow chaser [coll.] [hum.] [also pej.]Witwentröster {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [auch pej.]
woman chaserSchürzenjäger {m} [ugs.]
3 Words: Nouns
tools internal thread chaserInnengewindestrehler {m}
4 Words: Nouns
entom. broad-bodied chaser larva [Libellula depressa]Plattbauch-Larve {f} [Libellenlarve]
entom. four-spotted chaser larva [Libellula quadrimaculata]Vierfleck-Larve {f} [Libellenlarve]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
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A 2019-06-21: A chaser isn't the last drink,
A 2019-06-21: maybe: chaser
A 2016-01-02: http://www.dict.cc/?s=ambulance+chaser
A 2013-10-26: Wall chaser
A 2013-10-26: It's called a "wall chaser" in the U.S.
Q 2010-08-12: chaser light -> Lauflicht ?
A 2010-02-24: chaser
A 2010-02-23: chaser
A 2010-02-23: Is that what Americans would understand by a chaser?
A 2010-02-23: Chaser
Q 2010-02-23: Chaser
A 2009-10-11: And then, / And as a chaser, slams back a shot of tequila!
A 2008-12-08: @Proteus: IMO, less likely, because the one tagged in the children's game ...
A 2006-10-13: irgendwas im Sinne von "ambulance chaser"
A 2006-10-13: Tippfehler: Ich denke, daS muss ... hearse chaser > Geschäftemacher mit d...
Q 2006-10-13: hearse-chaser

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