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English-German translation for: cheerful
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Dictionary English German: cheerful

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
ADJ   cheerful | more cheerful | most cheerful
SYNO   cheerful | pollyannaish | upbeat
cheerful {adj}
cheerful {adj}
heiter [fröhlich]
cheerful {adj}
cheerful {adj}
cheerful {adj}
cheerful {adj}
aufheiternd [Buch etc.]
cheerful {adj}
aufgekratzt [ugs.]
cheerful {adj}
cheerful {adj}
aufgeräumt [heiter]
cheerful {adj} [tune / pattern]
cheerful {adj}
cheerful {adj}hochgemut [geh.]
cheerful {adj}gut aufgelegt
cheerful {adj}gut gelaunt
2 Words: Others
cheerful looking {adj}fröhlich dreinschauend
more cheerful {adj}fröhlicher
most cheerful {adj}fröhlichste
2 Words: Nouns
cheerful atmospherefröhliche Stimmung {f}
cheerful characterfröhlicher Charakter {m}
cheerful colours [Br.]prächtige Farben {pl}
cheerful dispositionfreudiges Gemüt {n}
cheerful dispositionfrohes Gemüt {n}
cheerful dispositionfröhliche Disposition {f}
cheerful dispositionfröhliche Wesensart {f}
cheerful dispositionherzliche Gemütsart {f}
cheerful dispositionsonniges Gemüt {n}
cheerful expressionfröhlicher Ausdruck {m}
cheerful facefröhliches Gesicht {n}
cheerful fellowfröhlicher Bursche {m}
cheerful firelebendiges Feuer {n}
cheerful heartfrohes Herz {n}
cheerful helperfreundlicher Helfer {m}
cheerful moodfrohe Stimmung {f}
cheerful musicmuntere Musik {f}
cheerful natureFrohnatur {f}
cheerful news {sg}aufmunternde Nachrichten {pl}
cheerful personFrohnatur {f}
cheerful roomhelles freundliches Zimmer {n}
cheerful sentimentfreundliche Stimmung {f}
cheerful sightfröhlicher Anblick {m}
cheerful songfröhliches Lied {n}
cheerful soulFrohnatur {f}
cheerful soulfideles Huhn {n} [ugs.] [fig.]
cheerful soulmuntere Seele {f}
cheerful talkmunteres Gespräch {n}
cheerful temperamentheiteres Temperament {n}
cheerful voicefröhliche Stimme {f}
3 Words: Others
bright and cheerful {adj}poppig [bunt, fröhlich]
cheap and cheerful {adj} [Br.] [idiom]preiswert und gut
cheerful by nature {adj} [postpos.]von Natur aus fröhlich
in cheerful spirits {adv}in fröhlicher Stimmung
3 Words: Nouns
a cheerful bunch [coll.]eine fidele Korona {f} [ugs.]
4 Words: Others
in a cheerful mood {adv}in freundlicher Stimmung
in a cheerful mood {adv}in fröhlicher Stimmung
with a cheerful heart {adj} {adv}frohgemut [geh.]
4 Words: Verbs
to be in cheerful spiritsguter Dinge sein [geh.] [Redewendung]
4 Words: Nouns
cheerful habit of mindangenehmes Wesen {n}
5+ Words: Others
But it is quite hard for me to be cheerful about it.Aber das Lächeln fällt mir schon schwer.
She was always cheerful and had a devil-may-care attitude about the future.Sie war stets fröhlich und machte sich keine Gedanken über die Zukunft.
She was unhappy and cheerful, in turns.Sie war abwechselnd unglücklich und fröhlich.
5+ Words: Verbs
to bring a cheerful note into sth.eine heitere Note in etw. bringen [fig.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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A 2014-10-10: Please leave Subura as is (In the Subura ...). What do you mean by 'Crassu...
Q 2011-12-09: This is not me making it up to be cheerful, Terry.
A 2011-08-30: If ever, it is "cheerful" - but I can't bring the two words together.
A 2011-01-24: perhaps - cheap and cheerful is their approach / their approach is cheap a...
A 2009-09-17: cheerful ?
A 2008-12-06: '...and praise the extra person as a very model of the cheerful guest with...
A 2008-08-26: My try: She creates a cheerful mood.
A 2008-02-23: loud and cheerful
A 2008-02-20: Assoziation: MP sketch mit Doug & Dinsdale Piranha: 'Yes, it was violent. ...
A 2007-06-08: cheerful, fantastic
A 2007-03-15: cheerful ironic science
A 2007-03-01: cheerful and relaxed
A 2007-03-01: or: bright, cheerful or: merry, cheerful (since one can't use the good old...
A 2006-09-11: concerned / not cheerful / impressive !?!
A 2006-08-19: You want a cheerful, amusing version of THIS?
A 2005-11-02: the gorgeous flowers will provide cheerful highlights
A 2005-04-04: Beer makes (you) cheerful and - the head - brightER
A 2003-01-22: cheerful (for persons) or bright (for the weather)

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cheerful atmosphere
cheerful by nature
cheerful character
cheerful colours
cheerful disposition
cheerful expression
cheerful face
cheerful fellow
cheerful fire
cheerful habit of mind

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