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English-German translation for: cheese
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Dictionary English German: cheese

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NOUN   a cheese | cheese/cheeses
VERB  to cheese | cheesed | cheesed ... 
SYNO   Malva sylvestris | cheese ... 
gastr. cheese {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cheese counter, cheese cake]
Käse- [z. B. Käsetheke, Käsekuchen]
photo. Cheese! [said to smile while being photographed]
[Ameisenscheiße! (sagt man, um zu lächeln, wenn man fotografiert wird)]
gastr. cheese
Käse {m}
cheese [Br.] [Cambridge U. sl.]
Dandy {m}
agr. gastr. cheeseKas {m} [bayer.] [österr.]
tech. cheeseKreuzspule {f}
2 Words: Others
Cheese it! [sl.] [dated]Ab durch die Mitte! [ugs.] [Redewendung]
cheese-headed {adj} [silly]dumm
cheese-paring {adj}knauserig [ugs.] [pej.]
gastr. in cheeseim Käsemantel
gastr. in cheese {adv}in Käsehülle [z. B. Schinken]
Say cheese! [idiom]Bitte lächeln!
2 Words: Verbs
to cheese it [Am.] [sl.]abhauen [ugs.]
to cheese sb. off [Br.] [coll.]jdm. stinken [ugs.]
to cheese sb. off [Br.] [coll.]jdn. aufregen [verärgern]
gastr. to grate cheeseKäse reiben
FoodInd. to make cheesekäsen [Käseherstellung]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (cheese) flan [Br.]Quiche {f}
(helmet) cheese [Br.] [vulg.]Eichelkäse {m} [vulg.] [Smegma]
gastr. Abertam cheeseAbertam {m}
gastr. Adelost (cheese)Ädelost {m}
gastr. aged cheesegelagerter Käse {m}
gastr. alp cheeseAlmkäse {m}
gastr. American cheese {sg} [Am.]Scheibletten {pl}®
gastr. Appenzell (cheese)Appenzeller {m} [Käse]
gastr. Aura (cheese)Aura {m}
gastr. Aura (cheese)Aura-Käse {m}
gastr. baked cheeseOfenkäse {m}
gastr. basil cheeseBasilikumkäse {m}
gastr. basket cheese [also: Korbkäse]Korbkäse {m}
gastr. beer cheeseWeißlacker {m}
gastr. beer cheese [Am.]Bierkäse {m}
big cheese [coll.] [important person]hohes Tier {n} [ugs.]
gastr. bleu cheeseBlauschimmelkäse {m}
gastr. bleu cheeseEdelpilzkäse {m}
gastr. blossom cheeseBlütenkäse {m}
gastr. blue cheeseBlaukäse {m}
gastr. blue cheeseBlauschimmelkäse {m}
gastr. blue cheeseEdelpilzkäse {m}
gastr. brick cheeseBacksteinkäse {m}
gastr. Brie cheeseBriekäse {m}
gastr. Brie cheeseBrie-Käse {m}
gastr. brine cheeseSalzlakenkäse {m}
gastr. buffalo cheeseBüffelkäse {m}
gastr. Caerphilly cheeseCaerphillykäse {m}
gastr. canned cheeseDosenkäse {m}
gastr. caraway cheeseKümmelkäse {m}
gastr. cheddar (cheese)Cheddar {m} [Hartkäsesorte]
gastr. cheddar cheeseCheddarkäse {m}
textil. cheese adaptorPassstück {n} [für zylindrische Kreuzspulen]
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Q 2021-02-25: cake cheese
A 2021-01-10: cheese with holes
Q 2018-12-28: cheese log
A 2014-03-12: Topfenknödel = curd (cheese) dumplings
A 2014-01-10: Whereas the classic combination at parties when I was young was cheese and...
A 2013-11-20: Cheese
A 2012-04-09: only a name - mice breakfast .... because it's with cheese .....
A 2011-06-10: Maybe dip for potato chips -- cheese dip, onion dip, salsa ...
A 2011-02-21: Well, "ausgereift" has originally to do with fruit, wine or cheese -
A 2011-02-11: smoked salmon with cream cheese sandwich = also favoured .... / und natür...
A 2010-11-08: office cheese-and-wine function, a regular concept, where people meet on a...
A 2010-11-05: love the whine. wine and cheese, the cheese chopped into tiny cubes, crack...
Q 2010-11-04: wine-and-cheese circuit
A 2010-08-19: Instead of teaching them at school that cheese is made of milk?
A 2010-04-03: cheese cake made with that stuff always tastes like wallpaper glue. just u...
A 2010-02-11: Cheese
A 2010-02-02: man n cheese
Q 2010-02-02: man n cheese und gross ?
Q 2009-11-10: Sprichwort? "The Cheese stands alone"
A 2009-10-23: yip,- On Monday he eats pizza with cheese.

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