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English-German translation for: chemicals
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Dictionary English German: chemicals

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
NOUN   a chemical | chemicals
chem. chemicals
Chemikalien {pl}
stocks chemicals
Chemieaktien {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
agr. chem. agricultural chemicalsAgrochemikalien {pl}
chem. base chemicalsBasischemikalien {pl}
chem. basic chemicalsBasischemikalien {pl}
chem. basic chemicalsGrundchemikalien {pl}
law Chemicals ActChemikaliengesetz {n} <ChemG>
chem. chemicals testChemikalientest {m}
chem. comm. commodity chemicalsGrundchemikalien {pl}
chem. dangerous chemicalsgefährliche Chemikalien {pl}
agr. chem. for. defoliation chemicalsEntlaubungschemikalien {pl}
chem. fine chemicalsFeinchemikalien {pl}
chem. forever chemicalsEwigkeitschemikalien {pl}
chem. household chemicalsHaushaltschemikalien {pl}
chem. irritant chemicalsReizchemikalien {pl}
chem. laboratory chemicalsLaborchemikalien {pl}
photo. photographic chemicalsFotochemikalien {pl}
MedTech. photo. processing chemicalsEntwicklungschemikalien {pl}
chem. specialty chemicals [Am.]Spezialchemie {f}
chem. specialty chemicals [Am.]Spezialchemikalien {pl}
chem. ecol. toxic chemicalschemische Giftstoffe {pl}
chem. toxic chemicalsgiftige Chemikalien {pl}
3 Words: Others
resistant to chemicals {adj} [postpos.]chemikalienbeständig
3 Words: Nouns
chem. building block chemicalsBasischemikalien {pl}
chem. building block chemicalsGrundchemikalien {pl}
law Chemicals Prohibition OrdinanceChemikalien-Verbotsverordnung {f} <ChemVerbotsV>
chem. concentration of chemicalsChemikalienkonzentration {f}
chem. environmentally friendly chemicalsumweltverträgliche Chemikalien {pl}
chem. EU European Chemicals Agency <ECHA>Europäische Chemikalienagentur {f} <ECHA>
EU European Chemicals DirectiveEuropäische Chemikalienverordnung {f}
chem. material resistance to chemicalsChemikalienbeständigkeit {f}
chem. material resistance to chemicalsBeständigkeit {f} gegen Chemikalien
chem. ind. specialty chemicals companySpezialchemiekonzern {m}
chem. ind. specialty chemicals companySpezialchemieunternehmen {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
EU ind. Globally Harmonized System <GHS> (of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals)global harmonisiertes System {n} <GHS> (zur Einstufung und Kennzeichnung von Chemikalien)
chem. EU Regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals <REACH>REACH-Verordnung {f} [Kurztitel] [EU-Chemikalienverordnung]
chem. EU Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals <REACH>Verordnung {f} zur Registrierung, Bewertung, Zulassung und Beschränkung chemischer Stoffe <REACH-Verordnung>
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A 2018-03-22: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=UsuzWtSqEYGckgWmgp7QBA&q=chem...
A 2018-03-22: chemicals
A 2014-05-02: Hot tub chemicals
Q 2014-02-28: light chemicals, neat oils
A 2013-06-14: Chemicals?
A 2013-04-29: The product features an excellent resistance to both scratches and chemicals
Q 2012-11-07: brain chemicals
A 2012-04-07: Deine Ü war richtig, gamby. +affect+ bezieht sich auf +neurotransmitters+ ...
Q 2012-04-07: mood-regulating chemicals
A 2011-02-15: chemicals combine with other ones to form compounds
Q 2011-01-21: neural chemicals
Q 2010-09-23: Text über Sicherheit im Chemiebetrieb "acute chemicals " = "gefährliche Ch...
Q 2010-05-14: Dampf (context: chemicals, explosion hazard)
A 2008-09-29: maybe a typo? Cannot find anything but chemicals
Q 2008-07-10: Food chemicals, how do you call that in English?
A 2008-05-19: we dont usually abbreviate pharma...need the whole thing...pharmaceuticals...
Q 2008-04-09: Do you write the names of chemicals with a capital letter in English?
A 2007-12-16: Certain chemicals payouts only advantage one fraud.
A 2007-10-28: "combination chemicals" googlet auch einige Male
A 2007-02-06: making masses of chemicals on the land? I hope not

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