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English-German translation for: chemist
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Dictionary English German: chemist

Translation 1 - 56 of 56

English German
NOUN   a chemist | chemists
SYNO   apothecary | chemist | druggist ... 
chem. jobs chemist
Chemiker {m}
comm. pharm. chemist's [Br.]
Apotheke {f}
comm. pharm. chemist [Br.] [shop]
Apotheke {f}
jobs chemist [nondispensing] [Br.]
Drogist {m}
comm. pharm. chemist's [Br.] [non-dispensing]
Drogerie {f}
chemist [Br.]
Giftmischer {m} [hum.] [Apotheker]
chem. jobs chemist [female]
Chemikerin {f}
jobs chemist [female] [nondispensing] [Br.]
Drogistin {f}
chemist [female] [Br.]
Giftmischerin {f} [hum.] [Apothekerin]
2 Words: Nouns
pharm. (chemist's) nostrum [Br.] [patent medicine]Hausrezeptur {f} [patentiert]
jobs pharm. (dispensing) chemist [Br.]Apotheker {m}
jobs pharm. (dispensing) chemist [female] [Br.]Apothekerin {f}
agr. chem. jobs agricultural chemistAgrikulturchemiker {m}
agr. chem. jobs agricultural chemist [female]Agrikulturchemikerin {f}
chem. jobs analytical chemistanalytischer Chemiker {m}
chem. jobs analytical chemist [female]analytische Chemikerin {f}
acad. chem. jobs atmospheric chemistAtmosphärenchemiker {m}
chem. jobs acad. atmospheric chemist [female]Atmosphärenchemikerin {f}
jobs cantonal chemist [Switzerland]Kantonschemiker {m} [Schweiz] [auch: Kantonchemiker]
comm. chemist's (shop) [Br.] [non-dispensing chain store]Drogeriemarkt {m}
chem. jobs chemist's apprentice [Br.]Drogistenlehrling {m}
comm. jobs pharm. chemist's assistant [Br.]Apothekenhelfer {m}
jobs pharm. chemist's assistant [Br.] [female]Apothekenhelferin {f}
comm. pharm. chemist's chain [Br.]Drogeriekette {f}
comm. pharm. chemist's shop [Br.] [OTC-drugs only]Drogerie {f}
chem. jobs chief chemistHauptchemiker {m} [veraltet]
jobs chief chemist [female]Hauptchemikerin {f} [veraltet]
chem. jobs colloid chemistKolloidchemiker {m}
chem. jobs colloid chemist [female]Kolloidchemikerin {f}
chem. color chemist [Am.]Farbchemiker {m}
chem. jobs development chemistEntwicklungschemiker {m}
chem. FoodInd. jobs food chemistLebensmittelchemiker {m}
chem. educ. graduate chemistDiplomchemiker {m}
chem. jobs head chemistChefchemiker {m}
chem. jobs industrial chemistWirtschaftschemiker {m}
chem. jobs marine chemistMeereschemiker {m}
chem. jobs pharm. medicinal chemistArzneimittelchemiker {m}
chem. jobs pharm. medicinal chemist [female]Arzneimittelchemikerin {f}
acad. jobs molecular chemistMolekularchemiker {m}
chem. jobs organic chemistOrganiker {m}
chem. jobs organic chemistorganischer Chemiker {m}
chem. jobs organic chemist [female]Organikerin {f}
chem. jobs organic chemist [female]organische Chemikerin {f}
chem. jobs pharm. pharmaceutical chemistArzneimittelchemiker {m}
jobs pharm. pharmaceutical chemistPharmazeut {m}
chem. jobs pharm. pharmaceutical chemist [female]Arzneimittelchemikerin {f}
chem. jobs phys. physical chemistPhysikochemiker {m}
chem. jobs phys. physical chemist [female]Physikochemikerin {f}
chem. jobs phys. physico-chemist [also: physicochemist]Physikochemiker {m}
chem. jobs phys. physico-chemist [female] [also: physicochemist]Physikochemikerin {f}
chem. jobs synthetic chemistSynthesechemiker {m}
chem. jobs synthetic chemist [female]Synthesechemikerin {f}
pharm. village chemist [Br.] [person]Dorfapotheker {m}
3 Words: Others
pharm. at the chemist's {adv} [Br.]beim Apotheker
4 Words: Nouns
comm. pharm. chemist's open at night [Br.]Nachtapotheke {f}
5+ Words: Others
TrVocab. Where can I find a chemist's, please? [Br.]Wo finde ich bitte eine Apotheke?
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Q 2017-01-20: Need a chemist for this entry
A 2013-11-26: Not a chemist.....
A 2013-04-22: a dispenser or dispensing chemist
A 2011-02-15: Ja. Aber man geht weder zum health and beauty retailer noch zum fresh meat...
A 2011-02-15: in BE it's a chemist.
A 2010-10-09: @ wandle - Some doctors send the prescription electronically to the chemis...
A 2010-01-24: I +spent+ more than +ten euros+ at the chemist's / pharmacy (US) today.
A 2009-06-25: A physicist or chemist would call them noble metals,
A 2008-08-12: A chemist's shop is a shop that sells medicinal drugs. / A detective is a ...
A 2008-08-12: A chemist's shop is a shop .... (sell)
Q 2008-08-12: A chemist's shop is a shop .... (sell)
A 2008-07-01: journeyman barber / journeyman chemist etc.
A 2007-04-13: Leistungsbringer - drug manufacturer or dispensing chemist?
A 2006-10-03: In the UK, chemist´s shops are (currently) becoming part of/being interagr...
A 2006-10-03: In the UK, chemist´s shops are (currently) developing into service(-orient...
A 2006-09-15: chemist
A 2006-09-15: no drugstores in GB, allright - but I'm sure I've heard chemist's for shop...
A 2006-09-15: chemist, chemist's
A 2006-02-14: (veraltend) Drogerie > (obsolete) druggist's shop UK / drugstore US - 'che...
Q 2005-11-03: police chemist

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