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English-German translation for: chest
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Dictionary English German: chest

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NOUN   a chest | chests
VERB  to chest | chested | chested ... 
SYNO   bureau | chest | chest of drawers ... 
chest {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cavity, hair, breathing, circumference]
Brust- [z. B. Höhle, Haare, Atmung, Umfang]
sports to chest sth. [esp. the ball in football / soccer]etw. mit der Brust annehmen [bes. den Ball beim Fußballspielen]
anat. VetMed. chest
Brust {f}
furn. chest
Truhe {f}
furn. chest
Kasten {m} [Truhe]
anat. med. VetMed. chest
Brustkorb {m}
anat. VetMed. chest
Brustkasten {m}
furn. chest
Kiste {f} [Truhe]
Koffer {m}
furn. chest
Lade {f} [Truhe]
chest [rare] [funds, e.g. war chest]
Kasse {f} [zur Verfügung stehendes Geld, z. B. Kriegskasse]
cloth. chest
Oberweite {f}
2 Words: Others
chest-high {adj}brusthoch
chest-high {adj}brusthohe
chest-type {adj} [e.g. freezer]truhenförmig
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. across chest [half chest]halbe Oberweite {f} Oberweite, 1/2 Oberweite>
ammunition chestProtzkasten {m}
arms chestWaffenkoffer {m}
med. barrel chestFassthorax {m}
med. bell chestFassthorax {m}
med. bell chestGlockenthorax {m}
furn. hist. bridal chestBrauttruhe {f}
furn. camphor chestKampferholztruhe {f}
anat. orn. chest areaBrustpartie {f}
chest binderBrustabbinder {m}
chest bindingBrustabbinden {n}
anat. cloth. chest breadthBrustbreite {f}
med. zool. chest breathing [thoracic breathing]Brustatmung {f}
anat. chest cavity [Cavum thoracis / Cavitas thoracica]Brusthöhle {f}
anat. chest cavity [Cavum thoracis / Cavitas thoracica]Thoraxhöhle {f}
anat. chest circumferenceBrustumfang {m}
med. chest clinicLungenklinik {f}
med. chest coldBronchitis {f}
med. chest compressionHerzdruckmassage {f}
VetMed. zool. chest depthBrusttiefe {f}
med. chest diseaseErkrankung {f} der Lunge
mus. chest division [organ]Brustwerk {n} [Orgel]
MedTech. chest drain [Br.] [intercostal catheter]Thoraxdrainage {f} [Drainageschlauch]
med. chest examinationThoraxuntersuchung {f}
sports chest expanderBrustexpander {m}
sports chest expanderExpander {m}
med. MedTech. chest film [chest X-ray]Röntgen-Thorax {m}
MedTech. chest fluoroscopyThoraxdurchleuchtung {f}
chest freezerTiefkühltruhe {f}
chest girthBrustumfang {m}
chest girthBrustweite {f}
mil. chest guardBrustschutz {m}
chest hairBrustbehaarung {f}
anat. chest hairBrusthaar {n}
anat. chest hair {sg}Brusthaare {pl}
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Q 2020-07-27: Chest Pack
A 2018-01-27: HJA stretched and pushed his chest forward
A 2016-02-18: feeling/sensation of pressure (e.g. in the chest or stomach region)
Q 2014-11-05: chest conditions (med.)
Q 2014-01-29: "beat one's chest"
A 2013-08-26: My mother had me on a leash sometimes, with me in a little chest harness!
A 2012-03-26: +... thick through the chest and abdomen+ -
Q 2012-03-25: portly, stout but not soft, thick through the chest and abdomen
A 2012-02-24: stars in one's chest ??!!!
A 2011-02-09: +In die Kommode+ is accusative, because you are putting the jumper +into+ ...
Q 2011-01-26: box/chest
Q 2010-05-05: Präposition: in, into oder through the chest ?
A 2009-10-18: war chest
Q 2009-10-17: to have a healthy war chest
A 2009-10-04: Wenn da ein Schränkchen gemeint ist, mit oder ohne Spiegel, dann heißt das...
A 2009-01-09: Ja, bin für trunk, weil die Truhe immer einen Deckel hat, bei box u. chest...
A 2009-01-09: da hast du Recht: toy box, toy chest
A 2008-11-06: that's what confused me! I always associated commode with "chest of drawer...
A 2008-11-06: Also agree with Joanne's upside-down chest of drawers / cupboard.
A 2008-11-06: I agree with Joanne's chest of drawers/cupboard

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