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English-German translation for: children's
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Dictionary English German: children's

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children's {adj} [attr.]
games hopscotch [children's / playground game]
Hüpfspiel {n} [Himmel und Hölle]
educ. kinderladen [antiauthoritarian children's nursery]
Kinderladen {m}
hist. [children's section of youth organisation in GDR]Junge Pioniere {pl}
dadda [children's language]Papa {m} [ugs.]
games hopscotch [children's / playground game]Hickelkasten [regional für: Himmel und Hölle (Hüpfspiel)]
games hopscotch [children's / playground game]Hüpfekästchen [Hüpfspiel für Kinder]
games hopscotch [children's / playground game]Huppekästchen [regional, bes. Thüringen, Sachsen] [Hüpfspiel für Kinder]
games hopscotch [children's / playground game]Hüppekästchen [regional] [Hüpfspiel für Kinder]
games hopscotch [children's / playground game]Paradiesspiel {n} [Hüpfkastenspiel]
games hopscotch [children's / playground game]Tempelhüpfen {n} [Hüpfspiel für Kinder]
2 Words: Nouns
boo-boo [children's language]Wehweh {n} [Baby-/Kindersprache]
law Children's Act [law defining the rights of children]Gesetz {n} über die Rechte der Kinder
children's aidKinderhilfe {f}
children's allowanceKinderfreibetrag {m}
children's allowanceKindergeld {n}
cloth. children's apparelKinderkleidung {f}
audio med. children's audiometryKinderaudiometrie {f}
dance children's balletKinderballett {n}
children's bankKinderbank {f}
children's bathtubKinderbadewanne {f}
children's bedroomKinderschlafzimmer {n}
gastr. children's beer [malt beer without alcohol]Kinderbier {n} [ugs.] [Malzbier]
bibl. lit. children's BibleKinderbibel {f}
bike children's bicycleKinderfahrrad {n}
bike children's bicycleKinderrad {n}
bike children's bikeKinderfahrrad {n}
bike children's bikeKinderrad {n}
libr. lit. publ. children's bookKinderbuch {n}
lit. children's booksKinderbücher {pl}
comm. publ. children's bookshop [esp. Br.]Kinderbuchladen {m}
comm. publ. children's bookstore [esp. Am.]Kinderbuchladen {m}
cloth. children's bootsKinderstiefel {pl}
admin. children's bureauKinderbüro {n}
children's campKinderlager {n}
children's center [Am.]Kinderzentrum {n}
children's centre [Br.]Kinderzentrum {n}
RadioTV children's channelKindersender {m}
children's childrenKindeskinder {pl} [Enkel]
mus. children's choirKinderchor {m}
mus. relig. children's choirKurrende {f}
mus. children's chorusKinderchor {m}
relig. children's church [Sunday school]Kinderkirche {f} [Kindergottesdienst]
film children's cinema [esp. Br.]Kinderkino {n}
children's circusKinderzirkus {m}
med. children's clinicKinderklinik {f}
cloth. children's clothesKindersachen {pl}
cloth. children's clothes {pl}Kinderkleidung {f}
cloth. children's clothingKinderbekleidung {f}
children's clubKinderclub {m}
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A 2020-12-03: children's Mardi Gras
A 2016-08-14: Is it / Would it be possible (for me) to have a children's/child's portion?
A 2016-04-28: Children's Day
A 2015-09-13: ...examples of children's duties in X.
A 2014-04-02: ... protects children's fingers from inadvertently getting caught
A 2014-02-14: A series of youth/children's competitions/races? ...skiing competitions/ra...
Q 2013-05-19: Ich mache ein Praktikum als Zahnarzthelfer bei Children's Dental
A 2013-03-22: Children's meal is Kindermenü.
A 2012-12-10: I was thinking of a memory/pairs-type children's game :-)
A 2012-11-22: Children's Home
A 2012-07-17: This is quite a good children's site - http://learnenglishkids.britishcoun...
A 2012-07-07: "children's everyday life situations" googles well
A 2011-08-02: It's just an exclamation suitable for a children's book that a stuffed toy...
Q 2011-02-08: Children's secretary
A 2011-01-14: Watch out with children's literature as language training tools.
A 2011-01-12: it`s a cat in a children's book^^
A 2010-10-21: There's definitely a phase when you consider yourself too old for 'childre...
A 2010-10-12: "children's ward" ??? at 1:35min of the video
A 2010-06-08: child / child's = singular : children / children's = plural
A 2010-06-08: children's eyes?

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