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English-German translation for: chimney
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Dictionary English German: chimney

Translation 1 - 50 of 88  >>

English German
NOUN   a chimney | chimneys
SYNO   chimney | lamp chimney
chimney {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cap, effect, pot, soot, sweep, wall]
Kamin- [Schornstein] [z. B. Abdeckung, Effekt, Aufsatz, Ruß, Kehrer, Wand]
climbing to chimney [climb in a rock crevice]in einem Kamin klettern [in einer „Kamin“ genannten Felsspalte; beim Kaminklettern]
Kamin {m} [schweiz. auch {n}]
Schornstein {m}
Schlot {m}
climbing geol. chimney
Kamin {m} [schweiz. auch {n}] [Felskamin]
Rauchfang {m} [österr.]
Rauchabzug {m}
Esse {f}
mus. chimney [flute headjoint]
Kamin {m} [Querflötenkopf]
chimney [lamp chimney]
Zylinder {m} [Lampenzylinder]
chimney [on an oil lamp]
Lampenzylinder {m}
geol. chimneyAufstiegskanal {m}
EU chimney [acc. to BS EN 15287: Design, installation and commissioning of chimneys]Abgasanlage {f} [nach DIN EN 15287: Planung, Montage und Abnahme von Abgasanlagen]
2 Words: Nouns
archi. chimney breastKaminsims {m} {n}
chimney brushSchornsteinbesen {m}
constr. chimney capKaminabdeckung {f}
constr. chimney capKaminaufsatz {m}
chimney constructionSchornsteinbau {m}
chimney cornerKaminecke {f}
engin. FireResc tech. chimney effectKamineffekt {m}
FireResc chimney fireKaminfeuer {n}
FireResc chimney fireSchornsteinbrand {m}
constr. tech. chimney flashingKaminverwahrung {f}
chimney flueRauchgaskanal {m}
archi. chimney headKaminkopf {m}
archi. chimney hoodRauchfang {m}
chimney moneyKaminkehrergeld {n}
constr. chimney outletSchornsteinöffnung {f}
constr. chimney pieceKaminaufsatz {m}
chimney piece [Br.] [mantelpiece]Kaminsims {m} {n}
constr. chimney pipeSchornsteinrohr {n}
chimney potKaminaufsatzröhre {f}
constr. chimney potSchornsteinaufsatz {m}
cloth. chimney pot [coll.] [top hat]Angströhre {f} [ugs.] [Zylinder]
chimney sootKaminruß {m}
chimney stackSchornsteinkasten {m} [veraltet] [Schornsteinkopf, Kaminkopf]
constr. chimney stackSchornsteinkopf {m}
chimney stack [at a factory]Fabrikschornstein {m}
chimney starterAnzündkamin {m}
jobs chimney sweepEssenkehrer {m} [regional] [bes. ostmitteld.]
jobs chimney sweepKaminfeger {m} [regional, schweiz.]
jobs chimney sweepKaminkehrer {m} [regional]
jobs chimney sweepRauchfangkehrer {m} [österr.] [bayer.]
jobs chimney sweepSchlotfeger {m} [fränk.] [ansonsten veraltet] [Schornsteinfeger]
jobs chimney sweepSchornsteinfeger {m}
jobs chimney sweepSchornsteinkehrer {m}
jobs chimney sweep [female]Kaminfegerin {f} [schweiz., sonst regional]
jobs chimney sweep [female]Kaminkehrerin {f}
jobs chimney sweep [female]Rauchfangkehrerin {f} [österr.]
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Q 2016-04-12: beaded chimney
A 2014-11-15: Chimney sweeps' carcinoma
A 2014-11-15: Chimney sweeps
A 2014-11-15: Esse = chimney
A 2012-12-09: http://www.servicemagic.co.uk/tips-and-advice/chimney-cleaning.html
A 2012-11-19: the price(s) for chimney sweep labour
A 2011-01-24: And again: "chimney snuffer" found, this might be a hint
A 2010-05-11: chimney top
A 2010-05-11: Also einfach "chimney piece", na gut, danke.
A 2010-03-12: moves in on the warm air ousted through the chimney
A 2010-03-08: ein "chimney fire" geht in deinem Kontext nicht. Dafür ist die Feuerwehr z...
A 2010-03-08: chimney fire
Q 2010-03-08: Kaminfeuer , Kaminbrand, fire in a fireplace, chimney fire
A 2008-09-29: after checking the chimney sweep 'checking switch'...or maybe 'test switch'
A 2008-04-01: chimney = black eye?
A 2008-04-01: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chimney
A 2006-10-15: chimney pipes?
A 2006-10-15: pure guesswork....chimney flues?
A 2006-09-16: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22Lang+may+your+lum+ree...
A 2006-01-31: ? body of the chimney, chimney mouth

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