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English-German translation for: choir
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Dictionary English German: choir

Translation 1 - 50 of 133  >>

English German
NOUN   a choir | choirs
SYNO   to choir | to chorus | choir | consort
archi. mus. relig. choir
Chor {m}
mus. choir
Gesangsverein {m} [Chor]
archi. relig. choir
Altarraum {m}
mus. relig. choir
Kirchenchor {m}
archi. relig. choir
Chorraum {m}
mus. choir
Gesangverein {m} [Chor]
Sängerchor {m}
archi. choir
Chorempore {f}
archi. choir
Presbyterium {n}
2 Words: Nouns
mus. (church) choirKantorei {f}
angelic choirEngelschor {m}
mus. barbershop choirBarbershopchor {m}
mus. boys' choirKnabenchor {m}
archi. cantorial choirNordchor {m} [selten {n}]
mus. cathedral choir [professional]Domchor {m}
mus. chamber choirKammerchor {m}
mus. chambre choir [Br.]Kammerchor {m}
mus. children's choirKinderchor {m}
mus. relig. children's choirKurrende {f}
archi. choir ambulatoryChorumgang {m}
archi. choir apseChorapsis {f}
archi. relig. choir areaChorbereich {m}
archi. relig. choir barrierChorschranke {f}
cloth. choir blouseChorbluse {f}
mus. choir bookChorbuch {n}
mus. choir boyChorknabe {m}
archi. choir cantorisNordchor {m} [selten {n}]
archi. relig. choir chapelChorkapelle {f}
archi. relig. choir clerestoryChorobergaden {m}
mus. choir competitionChorwettbewerb {m}
archi. choir decaniSüdchor {m} [selten {n}]
mus. choir directorChorleiter {m}
mus. choir division [organ][Werk en. Orgeln, vergleichbar dem Rückpositiv]
cloth. relig. choir dressChorgewand {n}
cloth. relig. choir dressChorkleidung {f}
mus. choir festivalChorfestival {n}
archi. relig. choir floorChorfußboden {m}
choir girlMädchen {n} vom Chor
mus. choir leaderChorleiter {m}
mus. choir leaderChorregent {m} [südd.]
archi. choir loftChorempore {f}
mus. choir masterChorleiter {m}
jobs mus. choir master [female]Chorleiterin {f}
mus. choir memberChormitglied {n}
choir membersChormitglieder {pl}
choir officeChoramt {n}
relig. choir officeChordienst {m}
mus. choir organChororgel {f}
mus. choir pitchChorton {m}
mus. choir practiceChorprobe {f}
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A 2019-12-17: forest choir
Q 2019-12-17: Forest choir?
Q 2019-12-17: Forest choir?
A 2012-10-03: he is no longer in the choir / he has left the choir
Q 2011-12-24: Choir of King's College, Cambridge, anybody?
A 2010-10-05: adding another voice to the choir
A 2009-07-24: Ok, I'll accept choir, but it does seem to have a US bias -
A 2009-07-24: Trombone band rather than choir (just vocal).
Q 2009-07-24: Involvement with the Protestant parish of Hintertupfingen, e.g. with the t...
A 2009-06-27: @ Bacca: You're preaching to the choir, as it were... ;-)
A 2009-04-03: You're preaching to the choir (in my case)
A 2008-05-15: painted gallery / choir loft
A 2008-05-15: typo: choir
A 2008-03-27: +boy's choir+ geht nicht, weil ein Knabe keinen Chor bilden kann - also we...
Q 2008-01-18: "The saucer domes in the Choir are decorated with...."
A 2006-10-24: Wenn du boy's choir schreibst,
A 2006-10-24: boys' choir / boys choir
A 2006-10-24: boys' choir / boys choir
A 2006-10-24: boys' choir
Q 2006-10-24: Boys' Choir oder Boy's Choir

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