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English-German translation for: chromium
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Dictionary English German: chromium

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NOUN   chromium | -
SYNO   Cr | atomic number 24 | chromium
NOUN   das Chromium | -
SYNO   Chrom | Chromium | Cr [Symbol]
chem. mineral. chromium <Cr>
Chrom {n} <Cr>
chem. chromium <Cr>Chromium {n} <Cr> [veraltet]
2 Words: Others
chromium-free {adj}chromfrei
chem. chromium-plated {adj}verchromt
chem. material chromium-rich {adj}chromreich
containing chromium {adj} [postpos.]chromhaltig
2 Words: Nouns
material chromium alloyChromlegierung {f}
chem. chromium atomChromatom {n}
chem. chromium carbide [Cr3C2]Chromcarbid {n} [fachspr.]
chem. chromium carbide [Cr3C2]Chromkarbid {n}
chem. electr. chromium catalystChromkatalysator {m}
chem. chromium chlorideChromchlorid {n}
chromium contentChromgehalt {m}
med. chromium deficiencyChrommangel {m}
chem. chromium dibromide [CrBr2]Chromdibromid {n}
chem. chromium difluoride [CrF2]Chromdifluorid {n}
chem. chromium dioxide [CrO2]Chromdioxid {n}
chem. chromium hexafluoride [CrF6]Chromhexafluorid {n}
chem. chromium isotopeChromisotop {n} [auch: Chrom-Isotop]
chem. chromium oxideChromoxid {n}
chem. chromium pentafluoride [CrF5]Chrompentafluorid {n}
material tech. chromium platingVerchromen {n}
chem. chromium saltChromsalz {n}
chem. chromium saltsChromsalze {pl}
chem. chromium sesquioxide [Cr2O3]Chromsesquioxid {n}
chem. chromium steelChromstahl {m}
chem. chromium tetrachloride [CrCl4]Chromtetrachlorid {n}
chem. chromium tetrafluoride [CrF4]Chromtetrafluorid {n}
chem. chromium tribromide [CrBr3]Chromtribromid {n}
chem. chromium trichloride [CrCl3]Chromtrichlorid {n}
chem. chromium trioxide [CrO3]Chromtrioxid {n}
chem. chromium(II) bromide [CrBr2]Chrom(II)-bromid {n}
chem. chromium(II) fluoride [CrF2]Chrom(II)-fluorid {n}
chem. chromium(II) oxalate [CrC2O4]Chrom(II)-oxalat {n}
chem. chromium(III) bromide [CrBr3]Chrom(III)-bromid {n}
chem. chromium(III) chloride [CrCl3]Chrom(III)-chlorid {n}
chem. chromium(III) fluoride [CrF3]Chrom(III)-fluorid {n}
chem. chromium(III) hydroxide [Cr(OH)3]Chrom(III)-hydroxid {n}
chem. chromium(III) nitrate [Cr(NO3)3]Chrom(III)-nitrat {n}
chem. chromium(III) oxide [Cr2O3]Chrom(III)-oxid {n}
chem. chromium(III) sulfide [Am.] [Cr2S3]Chrom(III)-sulfid {n}
chem. chromium(IV) chloride [CrCl4]Chrom(IV)-chlorid {n}
chem. chromium(IV) fluoride [CrF4]Chrom(IV)-fluorid {n}
chem. chromium(IV) oxide [CrO2]Chrom(IV)-oxid {n}
chem. chromium(V) fluoride [CrF5]Chrom(V)-fluorid {n}
chem. chromium(VI) fluoride [CrF6]Chrom(VI)-fluorid {n}
chem. chromium(VI) oxide [CrO3]Chrom(VI)-oxid {n}
chem. hexavalent chromiumhexavalentes Chrom {n}
chem. hexavalent chromiumsechswertiges Chrom {n}
3 Words: Others
free of chromium {adj} [postpos.]chromfrei
3 Words: Nouns
bright chromium platingGlanzverchromen {n} [Oberflächen]
chromium alloy steelchromlegierter Stahl {m}
material chromium alloy steel [alloy of iron and chromium]Chromstahl {m}
material chromium-manganese alloyChrom-Mangan-Legierung {f}
chromium-molybdenum steelChrom-Molybdän-Stahl {m}
chromium-nickel steelChromnickelstahl {m}
chromium-nickel steelChrom-Nickel-Stahl {m}
chromium-vanadium steelChrom-Vanadin-Stahl {m}
chromium-vanadium steelChrom-Vanadium-Stahl {m}
tech. hard chromium platingHartverchromen {n}
ind. material high-chromium steelhoch chromhaltiger Stahl {m}
material nickel-chromium alloyNickel-Chrom-Legierung {f}
mineral. oxy-chromium-dravite [NaCr3(Cr4Mg2)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O]Oxy-Chrom-Dravit {m}
satin chromium platingsatinmatte Verchromung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
mineral. vanadio-oxy-chromium-dravite [NaV3(Cr4Mg2)(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3O]Vanadium-Oxy-Chrom-Dravit {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
decorative high-gloss chromium platingdekorative Glanzverchromung {f} [Oberflächen]
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Q 2018-05-10: chromium grooved rod samples
A 2008-08-25: ChromIV = chromium(IV)
A 2006-07-14: chromium oxide

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