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Dictionary English German: churches

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
NOUN1   a church | churches
NOUN2   churche | churches
VERB  to church | churched | churched
churching | churches
archi. relig. churches
Kirchen {pl}
relig. churchesGemeinden {pl}
archi. relig. churches [buildings]Kirchengebäude {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
relig. Aladura churchesAladura-Kirchen {pl}
relig. Chalcedonian churcheschalcedonische Kirchen {pl}
relig. Holiness ChurchesHeiligungskirchen {pl}
relig. institutionalized churchesverfasste Kirchen {pl}
relig. mainline churchesGroßkirchen {pl}
relig. mainstream churchesMehrheitskirchen {pl}
relig. overseas churchesÜberseekirchen {pl}
relig. Pentecostal churchesPfingstkirchen {pl}
relig. Reformation churchesReformationskirchen {pl}
relig. Reformed churches {pl}Reformiertentum {n}
relig. United ChurchesUnierte Kirchen {pl} [evangelisch]
relig. Uniting Churches [unification in process]Unierte Kirchen {pl} [evangelisch]
3 Words: Nouns
relig. (historic) peace churches(historische) Friedenskirchen {pl}
archi. hist. relig. Churches of Grace [built for Silesian Protestants]Gnadenkirchen {pl}
relig. Eastern Catholic ChurchesUnierte Kirchen {pl} [Katholische Ostkirchen]
relig. spec. fellowship of churchesKirchengemeinschaft {f}
relig. founder of churchesKirchengründer {m} [Gründer von Kirchgemeinden]
relig. non-Chalcedonian churchesnicht-chalcedonische Kirchen {pl}
relig. Old Oriental ChurchesAltorientalische Kirchen {pl}
relig. Oriental Orthodox churchesaltorientalische Kirchen {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
relig. churches of the ReformationReformationskirchen {pl}
relig. Conference of European ChurchesKonferenz {f} Europäischer Kirchen
relig. Union of Evangelical ChurchesUnion {f} Evangelischer Kirchen <UEK>
relig. World Council of ChurchesWeltkirchenrat {m}
relig. World Council of Churches <WCC>Ökumenischer Rat {m} der Kirchen <ÖRK>
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. Communion of Churches in Indonesia <PGI, CCI>Gemeinschaft {f} der Kirchen in Indonesien <PGI>
acc. Community of Protestant Churches in Europe <CPCE>Gemeinschaft {f} Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa <GEKE>
relig. Congregation of the Oriental ChurchesKongregation {f} für die orientalischen Kirchen
relig. Council of Christian Churches in GermanyArbeitsgemeinschaft {f} Christlicher Kirchen in Deutschland <ACK>
relig. Council of Christian Churches in SwitzerlandArbeitsgemeinschaft {f} christlicher Kirchen in der Schweiz <AGCK, AGCK-CH>
Federation of Swiss Protestant ChurchesSchweizerischer Evangelischer Kirchenbund {m} <SEK>
relig. Joint Working Group between the Roman Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches <JWG>Gemeinsame Arbeitsgruppe {f} der römisch-katholischen Kirche und des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen
relig. South African Council of Churches <SACC>Südafrikanischer Kirchenrat {m}
hist. relig. the churches of the Reformationdie reformatorischen Kirchen {pl}
bibl. The Seven Churches of Asiadie Sieben Gemeinden {pl} [Kleinasien]
relig. Union of Evangelical Free ChurchesVereinigung {f} evangelischer Freikirchen <VEF>
relig. Union of Free Evangelical ChurchesBund {m} Freier Evangelischer Gemeinden
relig. Union of Free Pentecostal ChurchesBund {m} Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden <BFP>
relig. World Alliance of Reformed Churches <WARC>Reformierter Weltbund {m}
relig. World Communion of Reformed Churches <WCRC>Weltgemeinschaft {f} Reformierter Kirchen <WRK>
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A 2012-08-18: Yes, but many churches in the U.S. do have parties in their recreation room.
A 2012-01-12: It's correct, and is short for 'ordered many churches to be closed.'
A 2011-11-30: I meant in addition to burning houses and churches.
A 2010-11-27: poor evangelical or pentacostal churches in rural areas
Q 2010-11-27: cracker churches
A 2009-12-05: Advent is well known in America, but it's only used in churches.
A 2009-11-16: +arenas+ are much larger than cathedrals, let alone churches
A 2009-11-16: And as churches are no temples for God but spaces for people they provide ...
A 2009-10-31: building of churches / church architect
A 2009-10-30: more likely, it's a traditional arched *plaster ceiling* like in many churches,
A 2009-05-17: Yes, the churches.
A 2009-01-05: "certain confessionally affiliated circles" - he means the churches
A 2008-11-26: As a man, you put down your hat in closed rooms, esp. in churches.
A 2008-04-13: To churches / to a church
A 2006-10-19: I think it would have to be "single-bay warehouse" - "nave" applies to churches
A 2006-09-07: Names of the churches
A 2006-06-09: die wichtigsten Kirchen - the main churches
Q 2006-06-08: main churches
A 2006-06-07: ...especially within communities (confraternities?) of regional churches

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