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English-German translation for: circular kiln
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: circular kiln

Translation 1 - 50 of 302  >>

NOUN   a circular kiln | circular kilns
ind. circular kilnRundofen {m} [Brennofen]
Partial Matches
ind. to kilnbrennen [Ziegel, Töpferwaren]
ind. kilnBrennofen {m}
tech. kilnOfen {m} [industriell, sehr groß]
ind. kilnTrockenkammer {f}
kilnTrockenofen {m}
kilnTrockner {m}
tech. kiln-dried {adj}ofengetrocknet
tech. kiln-fired {adj}gebrannt
tech. kiln-fired {adj}ofengebrannt
to kiln-dry(im Ofen) darren
to kiln-drydörren
to kiln-dryim Ofen trocknen
to kiln-dryrösten
ind. bottle kilnFlaschenofen {m}
ind. brick kilnZiegelbrennofen {m}
hist. ind. brick kilnZiegelhütte {f}
tech. brick kilnZiegelofen {m}
ind. cement kilnZementbrennofen {m}
ind. cement kilnZementofen {m}
tech. chamber kilnKammerofen {m}
ind. charcoal kilnHolzkohlenmeiler {m}
charcoal kilnKohlenmeiler {m}
charcoal kilnMeiler {m} [Kohlenmeiler]
ind. continuous kilnZiegeleiofen {m} in Dauerbetrieb
brew drying kilnDarre {f} [z. B. für Malz]
tech. electric kilnElektroofen {m} [Brennofen]
ind. tech. glass kilnGlasschmelzofen {m}
ind. Hoffmann kilnHoffmannofen {m} [Ringofen]
brew ind. hop kilnHopfendarre {f}
tech. hovel kilnzweischaliger Flaschenofen {m}
kiln buildingBrennofenbau {m}
ind. kiln carOfenwagen {m}
kiln floorOfenboden {m}
kiln hoodFeuerungskopf {m}
tech. kiln liningOfenausmauerung {f}
ind. tech. kiln technologyOfentechnik {f} [Brennofen]
ind. lime kilnKalkbrennerei {f}
ind. lime kilnKalkbrennofen {m}
ind. lime kilnKalkofen {m}
ind. lime kilnKalkschachtofen {m}
brew malt kilnMalzdarre {f}
tech. muffle kilnMuffelofen {m}
Olsen kilnSchnellbrandofen {m} (nach Olsen)
paper kilnPapierofen {m}
ind. pottery kilnTöpferbrennofen {m}
ind. pottery kilnTöpferofen {m}
ind. tech. rotary kilnDrehofen {m}
tech. rotary kilnDrehrohrofen {m}
tech. tunnel kilnTunnelofen {m}
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