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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: circular letter
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Dictionary English German: circular letter

Translation 1 - 50 of 990  >>

NOUN   a circular letter | circular letters
circular letterRundbrief {m}
circular letterRundschreiben {n}
circular letterSendschreiben {n}
Keywords contained
circular letter of creditKreditbrief {m}
circular letter of creditReisekreditbrief {m}
Partial Matches
save-the-date letter <STD letter>Terminvormerkungsschreiben {n} [Save-the-Date-Schreiben]
hist. mil. Victory-Mail letter <V-Mail letter> [Am.] [WW II][US Feldpostbrief während des 2. WK]
biol. circular {adj}drehrund
circular {adj}kreisförmig
circular {adj}kreisrund
circular {adj}ringförmig
circular {adj}rund
circular {adj}rundumlaufend
philos. circular {adj}zirkelhaft
circular {adj}zirkelrund [veraltet]
spec. circular {adj}zirkular
circular {adj}zirkulär
circular {adj}zyklisch
circularRundbrief {m}
circularRundschreiben {n}
circularZirkular {n} [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst veraltet]
non-circular {adj}nichtkreisförmig
semi-circular {adj}halbkreisförmig
advertising circularWerberundschreiben {n}
bond circularRundschreiben {n} zum Angebot von Obligationen
phys. circular acceleratorKreisbeschleuniger {m}
med. circular amputationAmputation {f} mit Zirkelschnitt
phys. circular apertureLochblende {f}
circular arcKreisbogen {m}
archi. circular arcRundbogen {m}
math. circular areaKreisinhalt {m}
circular argumentZirkelschluss {m}
furn. tech. circular baseTellerfuß {m}
circular bladeRundmesser {n}
circular breathingKreisatmung {f} [Blastechnik]
mus. circular breathingPermanentatmung {f} [Blastechnik]
mus. circular breathingZirkuläratmung {f} [b. Blasinstrumenten]
mus. circular breathingZirkularatmung {f} [b. Blasinstrumenten]
tech. circular brushRundbürste {f}
comp. circular bufferRingpuffer {m}
comp. circular bufferRingspeicher {m}
archi. circular buildingRundbau {m}
electr. circular conductorRundleiter {m}
tech. circular coneKreiskegel {m}
electr. tech. circular connectorRundsteckverbinder {m}
circular courseRundkurs {m}
archi. circular cryptRingkrypta {f}
circular curveKreisbogen {m}
circular curveKreiskurve {f} [zirkulare Kurve]
circular cutterRingschneider {m}
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Q 2020-06-24: Circular letter of credit
A 2012-11-02: by way of circular letter
A 2008-09-29: fine..so following the circular letter (o) I arrive...back where I started?

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