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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: circumference of the ball
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: circumference of the ball

Translation 1 - 50 of 94307  >>

circumference of the ballBallumfang {m}
Partial Matches
ball circumferenceBallumfang {m}
circumference of the earthErdumfang {m}
anat. zool. ball of the eyeAugapfel {m}
anat. ball of the footFußballen {m}
anat. biol. ball of the footZehenballen {m}
anat. ball of the handHandballen {m}
anat. ball of the thumbHandballen {m}
dance belle of the ballBallkönigin {f}
sports touch of the ballBallberührung {f}
sports touch of the ballBallkontakt {m}
sports to get possession (of the ball)in Ballbesitz kommen
sports to regain possession of the ballwieder in Ballbesitz kommen [den Ball zurückerobern]
sports deliberate transfer of the ballgezielte Ballabgabe {f} [Zuspiel]
sports losing possession (of the ball)Ballverlust {m}
sports in possession of the ball {adj} [postpos.]ballbesitzend
the size of a golf ball {adj}taubeneigroß
lit. F Belle of the Ball [Joan Overfield]Verborgene Leidenschaft
sports The ball is going out of play.Der Ball geht ins Aus.
sports to be in possession (of the ball) [football]im Ballbesitz sein
sports good / great / strong header of the ballkopfballstarker Spieler {m}
the whole ball of wax [Am.] [sl.] [fig.]das volle Programm {n} [ugs.] [alles]
sports game-in-play with possession of the ball [soccer]Ballbesitz {m} während des laufenden Spieles
sports to maintain possession of the ball [for extended periods of time, i.e. during a soccer game]die Ballhoheit behalten
bot. T
sports to shoot the ball with the inside of one's / the footden Ball mit dem Innenrist schießen
sports to shoot the ball with the outside of one's / the footden Ball mit dem Außenrist schießen
circumferenceKreislinie {f}
circumferenceKreisumfang {m}
circumferenceUmfang {m}
belly circumferenceBauchumfang {m}
biceps circumferenceBizepsumfang {m}
anat. chest circumferenceBrustumfang {m}
geogr. equatorial circumferenceÄquatorumfang {m}
anat. hand circumferenceHandumfang {m}
med. head circumferenceKopfumfang {m}
rolling circumferenceAbrollumfang {m}
thigh circumferenceOberschenkelumfang {m}
waist circumferenceBauchumfang {m}
waist circumferenceTaillenumfang {m}
med. abdominal circumference <AC>Abdomenumfang {m} <AU>
anat. biol. cloth. neck circumference <NC>Halsumfang {m}
bot. trunk circumference [trees]Stammumfang {m}
med. infantile head circumferencekindlicher Kopfumfang {m}
anat. upper arm circumferenceOberarmumfang {m}
anat. cloth. upper thigh circumferenceUmfang {m} des oberen Oberschenkels
at the ball {adv}auf dem Ball [Veranstaltung]
to bandy (the ball)(den Ball) hin- und herspielen
sports to bounce the ballden Ball aufprallen lassen
sports to bounce the ballden Ball prellen
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