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English-German translation for: cirrhosis of the liver
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Dictionary English German: cirrhosis of the liver

Translation 1 - 50 of 93623  >>

SYNO   cirrhosis | cirrhosis of the liver
med. cirrhosis of the liver <CL>Leberzirrhose {f} <LZ>
Partial Matches
med. liver cirrhosis <LC>Leberzirrhose {f} <LZ>
med. alcohol-toxic liver cirrhosis <ALC>alkoholtoxische Leberzirrhose {f} <ATLZ>
anat. acinus of the liverLeberazinus {m}
med. cancer of the liverLeberkrebs {m}
med. enlargement of the liverLebervergrößerung {f}
med. histology of the liverLeberhistologie {f}
med. inflammation of the liverLeberentzündung {f}
med. rupture of the liverLeberriss {m}
med. rupture of the liverLeberruptur {f}
med. swelling of the liverLeberschwellung {f}
med. alveolar colloid of the liveralveoläre Echinokokkose {f} <AE>
med. fatty metamorphosis of (the) liverLeberverfettung {f}
med. needle biopsy of the liverLebernadelbiopsie {f}
med. needle biopsy of the liverLeberpunktion {f}
med. fatty degeneration of (the) liver [Steatosis hepatis]Leberverfettung {f}
med. chronic passive congestion of (the) liver [ICD-10]chronische Stauungsleber {f} [ICD-10]
VetMed. focal necrosis of the liver [necrobacillosis of the liver]Nekrobazillose {f} der Leber
med. cirrhosisZirrhose {f}
med. alcoholic cirrhosisAlkoholzirrhose {f}
med. biliary cirrhosisbiliäre Zirrhose {f}
med. hepatic cirrhosisLeberzirrhose {f} <LZ>
med. pulmonary cirrhosisLungenzirrhose {f}
chem. med. pharm. harmful to the liver {adj}leberschädigend
med. shot through the liverLeberdurchschuss {m}
med. cardiac cirrhosis [Cirrhose cardiaque]Cirrhose cardiaque {f} [kardiale Leberzirrhose]
med. primary biliary cirrhosis <PBC>primär biliäre Zirrhose {f} <PBZ>
gastr. liver of beefRinderleber {f}
gastr. liver of red deerHirschkalbsleber {f}
med. skin stigmata of chronic liver diseaseLeberhautzeichen {pl}
anat. left lobe of liver [Lobus hepatis sinister]linker Leberlappen {m}
anat. right lobe of liver [Lobus hepatis dexter]rechter Leberlappen {m}
anat. perivascular fibrous capsule of liver [Capsula fibrosa perivascularis hepatis]Glisson-Kapsel {f}
anat. liverHepar {n}
anat. gastr. med. liver {adj} [attr.]Leber-
liver {adj} [colour]leberfarben
anat. gastr. liver [Hepar]Leber {f}
med. liver-specific {adj}leberspezifisch
med. amyloid liverAmyloidleber {f}
FoodInd. gastr. calves' liverKalbsleber {f}
gastr. chicken liverHühnerleber {f}
med. cirrhotic liverSchrumpfleber {f}
anat. med. cirrhotic liverZirrhoseleber {f}
city-liverStädter {m}
clean liversolider Mensch {m}
gastr. cod liverDorschleber {f}
med. congested liverStauungsleber {f}
med. diabetic liverDiabetesleber {f}
med. donor liverSpenderleber {f}
gastr. duck liverEntenleber {f}
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