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Dictionary English German: cities

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

English German
NOUN1   a city | cities
NOUN2   a founder of the city | founders of the city/cities
NOUN   die City | die Citys/[alt auch] Cities
Städte {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
hist. "half cities" [referring to the former cities of East and West Berlin]Halbstädte {pl}
applicant citiesBewerberstädte {pl}
big citiesGroßstädte {pl}
candidate citiesKandidatenstädte {pl}
capital citiesHauptstädte {pl}
traffic urban carfree citiesautofreie Städte {pl}
congested citiesüberfüllte Städte {pl}
mega citiesMega-Citys {pl}
port citiesHafenstädte {pl}
archi. ruined citiesRuinenstädte {pl}
twin citiesZwillingsstädte {pl}
geogr. twin cities [Am.][Nachbarstädte, die nach und nach zusammengewachsen sind]
3 Words: Nouns
cities and communitiesStädte und Gemeinden {pl}
cities and townsStädte {pl}
stat. urban comparison of citiesStädtevergleich {m}
econ. competition between citiesStandortwettbewerb {m} [zwischen Städten]
geogr. list of citiesStädteliste {f}
migration into citiesLandflucht {f}
migration into citiesFlucht {f} in die Stadt
geogr. the Twin Cities [Minneapolis-Saint Paul][Spitzname für die Metropolregion Minneapolis-Saint Paul]
towns and citiesStädte und Großstädte {pl}
4 Words: Verbs
transp. to commute (between two cities)(zwischen zwei Städten) pendeln
4 Words: Nouns
drift to the citiesLandflucht {f}
emigration to the citiesLandflucht {f}
exodus from the citiesStadtflucht {f}
pol. German Association of CitiesDeutscher Städtetag {m}
hist. Swabian League of CitiesSchwäbischer Städtebund {m}
5+ Words: Others
on the part of towns and citiesseitens der Städte
5+ Words: Nouns
Association of Austrian Cities and TownsÖsterreichischer Städtebund {m}
pol. Association of German Cities and TownsDeutscher Städtetag {m}
borrowing by towns and citiesSchuldenaufnahme {f} der Städte
pol. German Association of Cities and TownsDeutscher Städtetag {m} <DST>
hist. house of free imperial cities [imperial diet]Städtebank {f} [Reichstag]
loans to towns and citiesKommunalanleihen {pl}
traffic urban pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly citiesfußgänger- und fahrradfreundliche Städte {pl}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Tale of Two Cities [Charles Dickens]Eine / Die Geschichte zweier Städte
lit. F A Tale of Two Cities [Charles Dickens]Eine Geschichte aus zwei Städten
film F Alice in the CitiesAlice in den Städten [Wim Wenders]
lit. F Cities of the Plain [Cormac McCarthy]Land der Freien
lit. theatre F In the Jungle of CitiesIm Dickicht der Städte [Bertolt Brecht]
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A 2019-01-24: In the cities no problem.
A 2017-10-14: Greater London consists of the Cities of London and Westminster as well as...
A 2017-09-03: B is one of the best-known cities beside London
A 2015-10-13: Have you ever encountered refuse scattered all over the place in normal Ar...
A 2015-10-13: It's not unique, timfefe. Similar service for "Sperrmüll" is provided in m...
A 2015-06-17: Satzung = statutes >> that's for things like cities and such.
A 2013-12-05: Major cities
A 2013-07-09: In large U.S. cities, "squat" as a noun in this context would probably be ...
A 2011-07-23: Traffic reforms in cities?
A 2011-06-06: Democracy cannot function without the civic spirit bred in humanely sized ...
A 2011-05-22: ? Tale of two cities ?
A 2011-05-09: the cities?
Q 2011-04-12: Zitat aus Charles Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities"
A 2011-04-07: summer holiday - which cities?
A 2011-01-25: Capital cities
A 2010-12-22: Joanne, there is no need telling me that different cities have different a...
A 2010-10-13: http://www.fairtradehull.org.uk/ even cities nowadays ....
A 2009-12-09: There are a lot of famous German cities along the Baltic Sea...
A 2009-08-21: This son of Ares (Mars, Mars, bane of men, bloodstained stormer of cities...)

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