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English-German translation for: city-centre
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Dictionary English German: city centre

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NOUN   a city centre | city centres
SYNO   central city | city center ... 
city centre [Br.]City {f}
urban city centre [Br.]Innenstadt {f}
city centre [Br.]Stadtkern {m}
city centre [Br.]Stadtmitte {f}
city centre [Br.]Stadtzentrum {n}
city-centre {adj} [Br.]innerstädtisch [Verkehr]
centre of the city [Br.]Stadtzentrum {n}
close to the city centre {adj} {adv} [postpos.] [Br.]innenstadtnah
in the centre of the town / city {adv} [Br.]im Stadtzentrum
close to the city centre {adj} {adv} [postpos.] [Br.]zentrumsnah [in der Stadt]
TrVocab. How do I get to the city centre, please? [Br.]Wie komme ich bitte ins Stadtzentrum?
to go for a (short) stroll through the city centre [Br.]einen (kleinen) Bummel durch die Innenstadt machen
Partial Matches
film F City of Bad Men [Harmon Jones]Die Geier von Carson City
City {adj} [London financial district]City- [Londoner Finanzdistrikt]
City [of London] [Br.]City {f} [Londoner Finanzdistrikt]
traffic (inner) city tollCity-Maut {f} [ugs.]
tech. centre-to-centre distance [Br.]Mittenabstand {m}
mus. theatre city comedy [Elizabethan dramatic genre]City Comedy {f} [Elisabethanische Komödie mit Schauplatz London]
film F City Heat [Richard Benjamin]City HeatDer Bulle und der Schnüffler
RadioTV F Spin CityChaos City
film F City Slickers [Ron Underwood]City Slickers - Die Großstadthelden
film F Sin City [Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller]Sin City
geogr. urban tri-cityTri-City {f} [Drei-Städte-Agglomeration]
film F Atlantic City [Louis Malle]Atlantic City, USA
lit. F Drop City [T. C. Boyle]Drop City
phys. nitrogen-vacancy centre [Br.] <NV centre, N-V centre>Stickstoff-Fehlstellen-Zentrum {n} <NV-Zentrum>
film F Night and the City [Jules Dassin]Night and the City [alternativ auch: Die Nacht von Soho]
geogr. (City of) Bagiuo [Philippines]Bagiuo City {f}
sports host city agreementHost-City-Vertrag {m}
film F Mad City [Costa-Gavras]Mad City
film F Silver City [John Sayles]Silver City
film F The Lost City [Aaron Nee, Adam Nee]The Lost CityDas Geheimnis der verlorenen Stadt
film F Big City Blues [Clive Fleury]Big City Blues
geogr. (City of) DapitanDapitan (City) {n}
City of New York Police Department <NYPD, NYCPD> [ New York City Police Department]New York City Police Department {n} <NYPD, NYCPD>
geogr. Salt Lake City <SLC>Salt Lake City {n}
sports centre court [Br.] [tennis]Centre-Court {m} [Tennis]
cityGeschäftsviertel {n}
cityGeschäftswelt {f}
cityGroßstadt {f}
cityStadt {f}
market. city dressingCity-Dressing {n}
geogr. Laoag CityLaoag City {f}
geogr. Mexico CityMexico City {n}
geogr. Naga CityNaga City {n}
geogr. Talisay CityTalisay City {f}
city {adj} [attr.]Stadt-
city {adj} [attr.]städtisch
urban downtown [Am.]City {f}
big city {adj}großstädtisch
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A 2012-03-28: aber: "city" ist nicht "Innenstadt", sondern "city centre" oder "downtown" (AE)
A 2011-09-16: A generalisation: pigeons are the +Tauben+ in city centres -
A 2008-10-26: after multiple googling, G has now finally found 'eastern city centre'
A 2007-09-01: Et jinge ooch: in the vibrant city centre http://www.google.com/search?hl...
A 2007-09-01: bustling city centre
A 2007-09-01: The headquarters(?) is located in the busy city centre
A 2007-08-06: BG Innere Stadt Wien (City Centre District Ct, Vienna) - - - address in G...
A 2006-01-01: City Centre Medical Polyclinic

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