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Dictionary English German: clay

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NOUN1   clay | -
NOUN2   a clay [type] | clays
SYNO   Clay | Henry Clay ... 
clay {adj}
clay {adj} [attr.] [e.g. content, cylinder, deposit, figure, idol, mineral, mining]
Ton- [z. B. Gehalt, Zylinder, Lagerstätte, Figur, Idol, Mineral, Abbau]
Lehm {m} [Ton]
geol. clay
Ton {m}
sports clay [tennis]
Sand {m}
Tonerde {f}
2 Words: Others
geol. clay-bearing {adj}tonhaltig
geol. clay-bonded {adj}tongebunden
geol. clay-bound {adj}tongebunden
clay-colored {adj} [Am.]lehmfarben
clay-coloured {adj} [Br.]lehmfarben
geol. clay-like {adj}lehmartig
containing clay {adj} [postpos.]lehmhaltig
2 Words: Verbs
ind. to blunge clayTon anmachen
to knead clayTon kneten
to pug clayTon schlagen
2 Words: Nouns
geol. banded clayBänderton {m}
geol. banded clayWarventon {m}
geol. bentonite clayBentonitton {m} [auch: Bentonit-Ton]
bleaching clayBleicherde {f}
mineral. blue clayBlauton {m}
bond clayBindeton {m}
brick clayLehm {m}
geol. brick clayLetten {m}
brick clayZiegellehm {m}
brick clayZiegelton {m}
archaeo. burned clayverziegelter Lehm {m}
burnt clayBrandlehm {m}
archaeo. burnt clay [esp. Br.]verziegelter Lehm {m}
geol. china clayKaolin {n} [fachspr. {m}]
geol. mineral. china clayKaolinton {m}
geol. china clayPorzellanerde {f}
archi. clay architectureLehmarchitektur {f}
gastr. clay bakerRömertopf® {m}
clay ballTonkugel {f}
clay bodyTonmasse {f}
clay bottleTonflasche {f}
constr. clay brickLehmziegel {m} [gebrannt]
constr. clay brickMauerziegel {m}
agr. clay brickZiegelstein {m}
EU clay brown [RAL 8003]Lehmbraun {n} [RAL 8003]
clay charactersKnetfiguren {pl}
clay containerTonbehälter {m}
constr. geol. mineral. clay contentLehmgehalt {m}
agr. geol. clay contentTonanteil {m}
material clay contentTongehalt {m}
sports clay court [tennis]Aschenplatz {m} [Tennis]
sports clay court [tennis]Sandplatz {m}
archaeo. clay cylinderTonzylinder {m}
geol. mining clay depositTonlagerstätte {f}
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Q 2024-05-18: clay
Q 2021-01-09: loam vs. clay
Q 2020-10-25: Bitte um Erklärung - bracket clay tiles
A 2020-06-21: Wellerdecke > ceiling of mudwork, ceiling of clay mixed with straw
A 2015-06-07: 18:16 typo : +lists+ of clay ~ numbers of connected clay items
A 2013-04-22: Different meaning: site for treading clay or loam
A 2011-06-18: Clay
A 2010-04-21: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22art+in+clay%22&btn...
A 2010-04-21: http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=clay+art&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei...
A 2009-12-09: brackish knickmarsh / knick-marsh / knick marsh (brackish marsh containing...
A 2009-08-04: materials composed of clay or clay-like components
A 2009-05-10: I think it is a clay / humus soil mixture
A 2009-02-11: should be "Tontafeln" - plates of clay
A 2008-10-28: Wird hier mit "clay slurry" übersetzt ....
Q 2008-06-15: Spa Clay in German?
Q 2008-05-15: Know any longer-running exhibition? Gian Lorenzo Bernini: Sketches in Cla...
A 2008-03-02: so simple? wood grilled in a clay pot?
Q 2007-11-22: in the clay
A 2007-11-18: The mind boggles at clay tablets being rolled up as scrolls ;-))))
A 2007-09-23: clay soil http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=...

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