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English-German translation for: climatic
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Dictionary English German: climatic

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

English German
ADJ   climatic | more climatic | most climatic
SYNO   climatic | climatical
climatic {adj}
climatic {adj} [WRONG for: climactic] [(sich) zuspitzend]
2 Words: Nouns
med. climatic bubo [Lymphogranuloma inguinale, Lymphogranuloma venereum] [venereal lymphogranuloma]klimatischer Bubo {m} [venerisches Granulom]
ecol. climatic catastropheKlimakatastrophe {f}
med. tech. climatic chamberKlimakammer {f}
ecol. meteo. climatic changeKlimaänderung {f}
meteo. climatic changeKlimawandel {m}
climatic changeKlimawechsel {m}
climatic changesKlimaschwankungen {pl}
climatic changesklimatische Veränderungen {pl}
meteo. climatic characteristicsKlimaeigenschaften {pl}
spec. climatic classKlimaklasse {f}
ecol. climatic climaxklimatische Klimax {f}
constr. meteo. climatic concept [less common] [climate concept]Klimakonzept {n}
climatic conditionWitterungseinfluss {m}
climatic conditionsKlimabedingungen {pl}
meteo. climatic conditionsKlimaverhältnisse {pl}
meteo. climatic conditionsklimatische Bedingungen {pl}
climatic controlKlimakontrolle {f}
meteo. climatic cycleKlimazyklus {m}
hist. meteo. climatic cyclesKlimaperioden {pl}
climatic dataklimatische Daten {pl}
meteo. climatic deteriorationKlimarückschlag {m}
hist. meteo. climatic deteriorationKlimaverschlechterung {f}
ecol. climatic disasterKlimakatastrophe {f}
climatic distinctionsKlimaunterschiede {pl}
climatic distinctionsklimatische Unterschiede {pl}
geol. climatic divideKlimascheide {f}
meteo. climatic eventKlimaereignis {n}
meteo. climatic events {pl}Klimageschehen {n}
climatic factorKlimafaktor {m}
meteo. climatic fluctuationKlimaschwankung {f}
meteo. climatic fluctuationsKlimaschwankungen {pl}
ecol. meteo. climatic hazardKlimagefahr {f}
geol. meteo. climatic historyKlimageschichte {f}
climatic influenceklimatischer Einfluss {m}
meteo. climatic influencesKlimaeinflüsse {pl}
meteo. climatic influencesWitterungseinflüsse {pl}
geogr. meteo. climatic mapKlimakarte {f}
biol. ecol. climatic nicheKlimanische {f}
biol. ecol. climatic nicheklimatische Nische {f}
meteo. climatic oscillationKlimaschwankung {f}
meteo. climatic parameterKlimafaktor {m}
climatic periodKlimaperiode {f}
geol. meteo. climatic phaseKlimaphase {f}
meteo. climatic phenomenonKlimaphänomen {n}
geogr. climatic regionKlimaregion {f}
geol. climatic sequenceKlimaabfolge {f}
travel TrVocab. climatic spaLuftkurort {m}
climatic spaLuftkurzentrum {n}
tech. climatic testKlimaprüfung {f}
geol. meteo. climatic timberline [Am.]klimatische Waldgrenze {f}
meteo. climatic trendKlimatrend {m}
climatic variabilityKlimavariabilität {f}
meteo. climatic variationKlimaschwankung {f}
climatic yearKlimajahr {n}
geogr. meteo. climatic zoneKlimazone {f}
3 Words: Nouns
(climatic) health resortLuftkurort {m}
meteo. adverse climatic conditionsKlimaungunst {f}
climatic health-resortLuftkurort {m}
climatic test roomKlimatestraum {m}
4 Words: Nouns
climatic exposure test cabinetKlimaschrank {m}
climatic shock testing cabinetKlimaschockschrank {m}
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A 2011-05-16: Revision: In the investigated area, fruit growing was more clearly affecte...
A 2011-05-16: In the investigated area, climatic differences affected fruit growing more...
A 2008-07-14: mwk is right...this is a climatic not ideological statement
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A 2006-07-17: nun, climatic oder climatic? Was sage GOOGLE???????
Q 2006-07-17: climatic
A 2005-02-07: climatic stabilization

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