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English-German translation for: clod (of earth)
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Dictionary English German: clod of earth

Translation 1 - 50 of 65113  >>

NOUN   a clod of earth | clods of earth
clod (of earth)Erdscholle {f}
clod (of earth)Scholle {f} [Erdscholle]
clod of earthErdklumpen {m}
Partial Matches
bibl. clod of dirtErdenkloß {m}
clod of loamLehmklumpen {m}
clodAckerscholle {f}
clodKloß {m}
clodKlumpen {m}
clodTrampel {m} {n} [ugs., pej.: unbeholfener Mensch]
agr. tools clod crusherSternwälzegge {f}
clod [Br.] [coll.]Dummkopf {m} [pej.]
gastr. shoulder clod [beef cut]dicke Schulter {f} [österr.] [dickes Bugstück] [Teilstück vom Rind]
gastr. shoulder clod [beef cut]dickes Bugstück {n} [Teilstück vom Rind]
clod [coll.] [pej.] [stupid person]Hohlroller {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Dummkopf]
ball of earthErdklumpen {m}
bank of earthErdanhäufung {f}
future of EarthZukunft {f} der Erde
phys. gravity (of Earth)Erdanziehungskraft {f}
geol. hist. history of EarthErdgeschichte {f}
layer of earthErdschicht {f}
geol. layers of earthErdschichten {pl}
lump of earthErdklumpen {m}
lump of earthKlumpen {m} Erde
masses of earthErdmassen {pl}
mound of earthErdhügel {m}
of the earth {adj} [postpos.]irdisch
a handful of eartheine Hand {f} voll Erde
a spadeful of earthein Spaten {m} voll Erde
ecol. atmosphere of the earthErdatmosphäre {f}
axis of the earthErdachse {f}
circumference of the earthErdumfang {m}
aviat. naut. circumnavigation (of the earth)Erdumrundung {f}
geol. crust (of the Earth)Erdrinde {f}
curvature of the earthErdkrümmung {f}
curvature of the earthKrümmung {f} der Erde
geogr. description of the earthErdbeschreibung {f}
astron. diameter of the EarthDurchmesser {m} der Erde
astron. diameter of the EarthErddurchmesser {m}
figure of the EarthErdfigur {f}
figure of the EarthErdgestalt {f}
globe of the earthErdball {m}
geol. history of (the) earthErdgeschichte {f}
inhabitant of the earthErdenbürger {m} [geh.]
geol. interior of the earthErdinneres {n} [das Erdinnere]
geol. magnetism of the EarthErdmagnetismus {m}
astron. mass of (the) EarthErdmasse {f}
period of the earthUmlaufzeit {f} der Erde
population of the earthErdbevölkerung {f}
geol. rotation of the earthErdrotation {f}
rotation of the earthErdumdrehung {f}
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