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English-German translation for: close shave
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Dictionary English German: close shave

Translation 1 - 50 of 820  >>

NOUN   a close shave | close shaves
SYNO   close call | close shave ... 
close shaveGlattrasur {f}
close shave [lit.]gründliche Rasur {f}
Keywords contained
to shave close / closelyglatt rasieren
by a close shave {adv} [coll.]knapp
by a close shave {adv} [coll.]ums Haar
idiom That was a close shave.Das war knapp.
film F A Close Shave [Nick Park]Wallace & GromitUnter Schafen
by a close shave {adv} [coll.] [idiom]um ein Haar [Redewendung]
to have a close shave [coll.] [idiom]noch einmal glimpflich davonkommen [Redewendung]
That was a close shave. [idiom]Das ging beinahe ins Auge. [Redewendung]
That was a close shave. [idiom]Das ging glimpflich aus. [Redewendung]
Partial Matches
bot. T
to shave(leicht) streifen
to shavekaum berühren
to shaverasieren
to shavesich rasieren
cosmet. shaveRasieren {n}
cosmet. shaveRasur {f}
to dry-shavesich trocken rasieren
to shave closelyglattrasieren
cosmet. to shave drysich trocken rasieren
to shave offwegrasieren
to shave wetsich nass rasieren
cosmet. body shaveKörperrasur {f}
clean shavesaubere Rasur {f}
cosmet. dry shaveTrockenrasur {f}
MedTech. shave biopsyRasurbiopsie {f} [auch: Rasur-Biopsie]
cosmet. shave oilRasieröl {n}
cosmet. wet shaveNassrasur {f}
to shave sth. [scrape]etw. schaben
to shave sth. offetw.Akk. abrasieren
tools draw shave [drawknife]Abziehmesser {n}
cosmet. after-shave balmRasier-Balsam {m}
cosmet. after-shave balmRasierbalsam {m}
cosmet. after-shave balsamRasier-Balsam {m}
cosmet. after-shave balsamRasierbalsam {m}
cosmet. after-shave lotionRasierwasser {n}
full-head shaveGanzkopfrasur {f}
cosmet. pre-shave lotionPreshave {n}
cosmet. pre-shave lotionPreshave-Lotion {f}
cosmet. pre-shave lotionPreshavelotion {f}
cosmet. pre-shave lotionRasierwasser {n} [Anwendung vor der Rasur]
to shave sth. [fig.] [reduce]etw.Akk. reduzieren
to shave sth. off [beard]etw.Akk. abbarbieren [veraltet] [ugs.] [den Bart]
to shave one's beardden Bart abscheren
He needs to shave.Er sollte sich rasieren.
I need a shave.Ich muss mich rasieren.
to ask for a shaveum eine Rasur bitten
to shave off thin slicesdünne Scheiben abschaben
bot. T
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