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English-German translation for: close-fitting
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Dictionary English German: close fitting

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SYNO   close | close-fitting | snug
cloth. close-fitting {adj}eng anliegend
cloth. close-fitting {adj}eng sitzend
close-fitting {adj}straff [stramm sitzend]
cloth. to be close-fittingstramm sitzen
Partial Matches
constr. engin. tech. swaged socket fittingFitting {n} mit Pressverbindung
tech. fittingFitting {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
math. curve fittingCurve Fitting {n} [Einpassung einer Kurve in Punktwolken]
audio mus. close mikingClose Miking {n} [direkte Mikrofonabnahme]
fitting {adj}gebührend
fitting {adj} {pres-p}passend
fittingAnpassung {f}
tech. fittingAnschlussstück {n}
tech. fittingMuffe {f}
fitting {adj}recht [passend]
cloth. fitting {adj} [tight]anliegend
ind. fittingFormstück {n} [Anlagenbau]
fitting [Br.]Armatur {f}
cloth. fitting [fit]Passform {f}
constr. fitting <FTG>Aufbau {m}
constr. fitting <FTG>Montage {f}
fitting exactly {adv}passgenau
fitting outausstaffierend
fitting perfectly {adv}passgenau
cloth. form-fitting {adj}figurbetont
cloth. form-fitting {adj}körperbetont
ill-fitting {adj}schlechtsitzend
precisely fitting {adj}passgenau
boot fittingStiefelanpassung {f}
box fittingKästchenbeschlag {m}
brass fittingMessingbeschlag {m}
bulkhead fittingSchottbeschlag {m}
bulkhead fittingSchottverschraubung {f}
carpet fittingTeppichverlegung {f}
tech. changeover fittingUmschaltarmatur {f}
coffin fittingSargbeschlag {m}
compression fittingKlemmringverschraubung {f}
tech. compression fittingSchneidringverschraubung {f}
connection fittingAnschlussarmatur {f}
tech. connection fittingVerbindungsverschraubung {f}
corner fittingEckbeschlag {m}
tech. cross fittingKreuzstück {n}
tech. cross fittingKreuzverschraubung {f}
curve-fittingKurvenanpassung {f}
tech. double fittingDoppelstutzen {m}
drain fittingAbflussarmatur {f}
tech. end fittingEndstück {n}
comm. optics eyeglass fittingBrillenanpassung {f}
tech. fastening fittingBefestigungsbeschlag {m}
med. tech. fitting accuracyPassgenauigkeit {f}
fitting assemblyArmaturenbalken {m}
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