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English-German translation for: closed
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Dictionary English German: closed

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VERB  to close | closed | closed ... 
SYNO   closed | closed in | unsympathetic ... 
closed {adj} {past-p}
math. closed {adj} {past-p}
sb. closed [blocked]
jd. sperrte
closed {adj} {past-p}
sb. closed
jd. schloss
closed {adj} {past-p}
closed {adj} {past-p}
closed {adj}
zu [ugs.] [geschlossen]
closed {adj} {past-p}
sb. closed
jd. schloß [alt]
closed {adj}
closed {adj} {past-p} [e.g. roller blind]heruntergelassen [z. B. Rollo, Jalousie]
sb. closedjd. verschloss
sb. closedjd. verschloß [alt]
2 Words: Others
fin. account closedKonto geschlossen
math. algebraically closed {adj}algebraisch abgeschlossen
math. Cartesian closed {adj}kartesisch abgeschlossen
material closed cell {adj}geschlossenporig
closed down {adj} {past-p}eingestellt
closed down {adj} {past-p}geschlossen
closed off {adj} {past-p}abgeriegelt
closed off {adj} {past-p}abgesperrt
closed-end {adj}geschlossen
math. closed-form {adj}(analytisch) geschlossen
closed-minded {adj}engstirnig
half-closed {adj}halbgeschlossen
half-closed {adj}halb geschlossen
math. integrally closed {adj}ganz abgeschlossen
keeping closedzuhabend
kept closed {past-p}zugehabt
partially closed {adj}teilweise verschlossen
transp. Road closed!Straße gesperrt!
semi-closed {adj} [also: semiclosed] [e.g. system]halbgeschlossen [z. B. System]
math. strongly closed {adj}stark abgeschlossen
temporarily closed {adj}vorübergehend geschlossen
tightly closed {adj}dicht verschlossen
tightly closed {adj}fest verschlossen
math. weakly closed {adj}schwach abgeschlossen
2 Words: Verbs
to be closedgeschlossen sein
to be closedzu sein
to be closed [of a shop]zuhaben [ugs.]
to declare sth. closedetw.Akk. für geschlossen erklären
to keep closedzuhaben
to order sth. closed [shop, road, etc.]die Schließung etw.Gen. anordnen [Laden, Straße etc.]
to remain closedgeschlossen bleiben
to stay closedgeschlossen bleiben
2 Words: Nouns
account closedabgeschlossenes Konto {n}
closed accountabgeschlossenes Konto {n}
closed accountausgeglichenes Konto {n}
med. closed amputationgeschlossene Amputation {f}
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A 2023-11-23: Or maybe he has closed the old and started a new account yesterday.
A 2023-11-22: processed and notarized (and closed)
A 2019-03-22: ? closed pastry / pastries
Q 2018-09-28: closed season [Am.] [e.g. in soccer] = Sommerpause (z. B. im Fußball)
A 2018-09-27: on the point of closing down / all but closed down ; except a few (un...
A 2018-01-29: No, it doesn't sound the same. There's a difference between an (open) [a] ...
Q 2017-05-28: to be closed down
A 2016-07-05: Closed for holidays ...
A 2015-01-27: Pupils will be delighted to read that schools will stay closed all the same
A 2014-11-27: The counters are not reset when the program is closed (and reopened), perhaps.
A 2014-09-20: Steuerung - control; Regelung - closed loop control
A 2014-07-30: Immerhin 39,000 Gbook-Hits für "closed-minded"
A 2014-07-28: Bei closed-minded / close-minded
A 2013-09-10: The indoor market has closed recently and they are already talking of a new one.
A 2013-04-24: Das Schild "ROAD AHEAD CLOSED" (rechteckig, rot mit weißem Rand) wird nur ...
Q 2013-04-24: "Road ahead closed"
Q 2013-04-15: account closed!
A 2013-03-28: sun deck closed / sun deck open
A 2013-02-10: Issue closed
Q 2012-09-13: Closed accounts

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