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English-German translation for: closer
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Dictionary English German: closer

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ADJ   close | closer | closest
NOUN   a closer | closers
SYNO   closer | finisher | nearer | nigher
closer {adj} {adv}
closer {adj}
closer {adj}
closer {adv} [to the speaker or to an object]
heran [näher zum Sprechenden oder zu einer Sache]
archi. closer
Schlussstein {m}
constr. closer
Riemchen {n} [schmales Bauelement, z. B. halbierter Ziegel]
tech. closer
Verschlussvorrichtung {f}
archi. closer
Kopfziegel {m}
jobs closer [female]
Schließerin {f} [Türschließerin, z. B. im Kino, Theater]
closerSchließer {m} [auch Verpackungsmaschine]
closerabschließende Programmnummer {f}
closer [who brings sth. to a conclusion, e.g. a business transaction, program][jemand, der etw. abschließt, z. B. eine Transaktion, ein Programm]
2 Words: Others
Come closer!Immer heran!
Come closer!Komm näher!
Come closer!Nur heran!
2 Words: Verbs
to come closernäher kommen [alt]
to come closersich heranarbeiten
to come closersich nähern
to edge closernäher rücken
to get closernäher rücken
to move closerheranrücken
mil. to move closer [troops]anrücken [Truppen]
to scooch closer [Am.] [coll.]näher rücken
2 Words: Nouns
closer alignmentbessere Ausrichtung {f}
closer examinationHinterfragung {f}
closer lookgenauere Betrachtung {f}
door closerTürschließer {m} [Vorrichtung]
king closerDreiviertelziegel {m}
constr. queen closer [half brick of normal thickness, but half-normal width]Riemchen {n} [längsgespaltene Ziegelsteine]
slot closerNutenstemmer {m}
3 Words: Others
all the closer {conj} [Am.] [coll.] [as close as]so nahe wie
on closer acquaintance {adv}bei näherer Bekanntschaft
on closer consideration {adv}bei genauerer Betrachtung
on closer consideration {adv}bei Licht besehen [Redewendung]
on closer examination {adv}bei genauerer Untersuchung
on closer examination {adv}bei näherer Betrachtung
on closer examination {adv}bei näherer Prüfung
on closer examination {adv}bei näherer Überprüfung
on closer inspection {adv}bei genauerem Hinsehen
on closer inspection {adv}bei genauerer Betrachtung
upon closer acquaintance {adv}bei näherer Bekanntschaft
upon closer examination {adv}bei näherem Hinsehen
upon closer examination {adv}bei näherer Prüfung
3 Words: Verbs
to be closer tonäher stehen
to bring sb./sth. closer to sth.jdn./etw. an etw. annähern
to deserve closer attentionnähere Aufmerksamkeit verdienen
to deserve closer attentionnäheres Hinsehen verdienen
to draw closer to sb.sich jdm. nähern
to draw closer togetherenger zusammenrücken
to move closer to sth.etw.Dat. näher treten
to move closer togethernäher zusammenrücken
3 Words: Nouns
tech. floor door closerBodentürschließer {m}
steel slot closerNutenschieber {m}
tech. upper door closerObentürschließer {m}
4 Words: Others
as one gets closerwenn man näher kommt
Closer to the left!Mehr links heran!
closer to the time {adj} {adv}zeitnah
on / upon closer inspection {adv}bei näherem Hinsehen
4 Words: Verbs
to be a strong closerAbschlussstärke haben
to move sth. close / closer together [e.g. chairs]etw.Akk. aneinanderrücken
5+ Words: Others
I'm gonna go in for a closer look. [coll.]Ich werde mir das mal genauer ansehen.
It's hitting / striking closer to home. [idiom]Die Einschläge kommen näher. [Redewendung]
film quote Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. [The Godfather Part II]Halte deine Freunde nahe bei dir, aber deine Feinde noch näher.
The deadline is coming closer.Der Termin rückt näher.
The race is getting closer and closer.Das Rennen wird immer enger.
quote They're coming for me. The wind is bringing them closer. [Troy]Sie kommen um meinetwillen, der Wind bringt sie näher.
5+ Words: Verbs
to be closer on an issuesich bei einer Frage näher sein
to be closer to the groundin direkterem Kontakt mit der Umwelt stehen
to take a (closer) look at sb./sth.sichDat. jdn./etw. (genauer / näher) anschauen
to take a closer look at sb./sth.jdn./etw. genauer ansehen
to to take a closer look at sth.etw.Akk. genauer betrachten [bes. kritischer, z. B. Situation, Zustand]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film theatre F Closer [play: Patrick Marber (1997); film: Mike Nichols (2004)]Hautnah
RadioTV F The CloserThe Closer
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Q 2019-01-29: ...setting up an association of closer union societies...
A 2018-11-13: Any closer to the desired onomatopœia / ὀνοματοποιία?
A 2017-12-14: The vowels were much closer to northern German or Dutch than to modern English.
A 2017-03-15: +dermatoscopy+ is closer to ancient Greek
Q 2017-01-09: Just a closer walk with thee
A 2016-08-15: Looks like Wenz is closer to our dict guidelines.
A 2016-06-21: On a timeline, the closer they are to the 18th Dynasty, the narrower they get.
A 2015-12-04: I would say your first description is closer to how I understand it.
A 2015-10-06: "Getting closer to"
A 2015-10-06: Getting closer to the crossroads/junction ?
A 2015-06-05: Probably closer to the original ...
A 2015-05-13: Door closer?
A 2015-05-01: less common, but closer to your original
A 2015-04-22: they may have a closer look at ...
A 2015-03-18: That brings me a lot closer
A 2015-01-08: Closer
A 2015-01-05: Maybe a bit closer this time ...
A 2014-11-07: closer,
A 2014-09-12: closer now...
A 2014-07-10: More common in BE (and closer to the form of the German):

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