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Dictionary English German: clothes

Translation 1 - 50 of 361  >>

English German
NOUN1   a cloth | cloths/clothes [obs.]
NOUN2   - | clothes
VERB  to clothe | clad/clothed | clad/clothed
clothing | clothes
SYNO   apparel | clothes | dress ... 
sb. clothes
jd. bekleidet [Kleidung]
cloth. clothes
Kleider {pl} [Kleidung]
cloth. clothes {pl}
Kleidung {f}
cloth. clothes
Klamotten {pl} [ugs.]
cloth. clothes {pl}
Wäsche {f}
cloth. clothes
Anziehsachen {pl} [ugs.]
cloth. clothes {pl}
Garderobe {f} [Kleidung]
cloth. clothes {pl}
Gewand {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [phonetische Schreibung: Gwand]
cloth. clothes
Sachen {pl} [ugs.] [Anziehsachen]
cloth. clothes
Kleidungssachen {pl}
cloth. clothes {pl}Habit {m} {n} [veraltet]
2 Words: Others
changed clothesumgezogen [Kleidung]
clothes-conscious {adj}kleidungsbewusst
cloth. clothes-wise {adj}kleidungsmäßig
plain-clothes {adj} [police officer]in Zivil
cloth. plain-clothes {adj} [attr.] [e.g. police officer]zivilgekleidet
2 Words: Verbs
cloth. to change clothessichAkk. umziehen
cloth. to change clothes [Am.]die Sachen wechseln [ugs.]
to donate clothesKleider spenden
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. (working) clothes {pl}Montur {f} [ugs.] [(Arbeits)kleidung] [österr.] [bayer.] [regional] [veraltet] [Dienstkleidung, Uniform]
cloth. army clothesArmeeklamotten {pl} [ugs.]
cloth. baby clothes {pl}Babykleidung {f}
cloth. bathing clothes {pl}Badezeug {n}
textil. bed clothes {pl}Bettwäsche {f}
textil. bed clothes {pl}Bettzeug {n} [ugs.] [Bettwäsche]
cloth. best clothes {pl}bester Anzug {m}
cloth. borrowed clothesgeliehene Kleider {pl}
cloth. boy's clothes {pl}Knabenkleidung {f}
cloth. boys' clothes {pl}Jungenkleidung {f}
cloth. comm. buying clothesKleiderkauf {m}
cloth. casual clothes {pl}Freizeitbekleidung {f}
cloth. casual clothes {pl}Freizeitkleidung {f} [Warengattung]
cloth. children's clothesKindersachen {pl}
cloth. children's clothes {pl}Kinderkleidung {f}
cloth. city clothes {pl}Stadtkleidung {f}
cloth. civilian clothes {pl}Zivilkleidung {f}
clothes airerTrockengestell {n} [für Wäsche]
cloth. clothes bagKleiderbeutel {m}
clothes bagKleidersack {m}
clothes basketWäschekorb {m}
clothes basketWaschkorb {m}
clothes binWäschecontainer {m}
clothes brushKleiderbürste {f}
clothes brushesKleiderbürsten {pl}
furn. clothes cabinetGarderobenschrank {m}
archi. clothes chuteWäscheabwurfrutsche {f}
archi. clothes chuteWäscherutsche {f}
clothes chuteWäscheschacht {m}
clothes closetKleiderkammer {f}
clothes closetbegehbarer Kleiderschrank {m}
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A 2018-10-31: @ Windfall: I don't think that it's only about clothes, but also face, mak...
Q 2018-08-14: "to iron one's clothes" = ?
Q 2017-06-28: clothes horse / clotheshorse - was ist daran rein [Br.] - ich weiß es nicht.
A 2016-12-18: http://www.oed.com/view/Entry/193718?redirectedFrom=Suit+of+clothes#eid19900000
Q 2016-12-18: Suit of clothes
A 2016-11-18: Doing no work out doesn't prevent from wearing the wrong clothes ;)
A 2015-07-13: Clothes line
A 2015-07-11: Clothes line rope is not used in BE - just clothes line :-)
Q 2015-05-15: Commenting on someone's clothes
A 2014-10-20: @MichaelK: that's nice. I know people wearing such clothes without particu...
A 2014-08-31: the (very) best of all clothes they possessed/owned ?
A 2013-07-23: I have to ask: do these machines actually boil (100 deg C.) your clothes a...
A 2012-07-28: Eliana Venier ? (Seems to do mostly jewlery, rather than clothes.)
A 2012-02-22: I'm sure the people were in fancy clothes and not fancy dress - http://www...
A 2011-07-05: Surrounded by flashing lights, she danced till the had got rid of the must...
A 2011-06-21: Kommt auf den Zusammenhang an. Manchmal ja, oft nein - +geänderte Kleider+...
A 2011-06-07: Catesse, nowadays "Klamotten" just means "clothes".
A 2011-05-06: ? thight clothes chafe and cut off circulation
A 2011-04-17: fidgeting with / incessantly readjusting one's clothes
A 2011-04-17: evtl continually adjust one's (their, his etc) clothes

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