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English-German translation for: cloud
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Dictionary English German: cloud

Translation 1 - 50 of 373  >>


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NOUN   a cloud | clouds
VERB  to cloud | clouded | clouded ... 
SYNO   to cloud | to overcast | cloud | swarm ... 
NOUN   die Cloud | die Clouds
to cloud sth. [also fig.: sb.'s joy etc.]
etw.Akk. trüben [auch fig.: jds. Freude etc.]
to cloud
to cloud sth.
etw. vernebeln
to cloud
to cloud
to cloudsich bewölken
Wolke {f}
cloud [fig.]
Schatten {m} [fig.]
comp. Internet cloud [metaphor for decentralized data storage on the internet]
Cloud {f}
2 Words: Others
comp. Internet cloud-based {adj}cloudbasiert
meteo. cloud-covered {adj}wolkenbedeckt
meteo. cloud-covered {adj}wolkenverhangen
meteo. cloud-covered {adj}mit Wolken überzogen
cloud-covered {adj}von Wolken zugedeckt
cloud-free {adj}wolkenfrei
cloud-free {adj}wolkenlos
cloud-laden {adj}wolkenschwer
cloud-like {adj}wolkenartig
cloud-shaped {adj}gewolkt
cloud-shaped {adj}wolkenförmig
2 Words: Verbs
to cloud overumwölken
to cloud oververdunkeln
meteo. to cloud oversichAkk. bewölken
meteo. to cloud oversichAkk. umziehen [selten] [sich bewölken]
meteo. to cloud oversich überziehen [Himmel]
meteo. to cloud oversich zuziehen [Himmel]
meteo. to cloud over [sky]sich mit Wolken überziehen [Himmel]
to cloud sb.'s judgementjds. Urteil trüben
to cloud sb.'s judgementjds. Urteilsvermögen trüben
to cloud sb.'s judgmentjds. Urteilskraft trüben
meteo. to cloud upsichAkk. umziehen [selten] [sich bewölken]
to cloud upsich bewölken
to cloud up [sky]sich zuziehen [Himmel]
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. (cloud) ceilingHauptwolkenuntergrenze {f}
meteo. accessory cloudBegleitwolke {f}
meteo. altostratus cloudAltostratuswolke {f}
meteo. anvil cloudAmbosswolke {f}
geol. material ash cloudAschenwolke {f} [selten für: Aschewolke]
geol. material ash cloudAschewolke {f}
mil. atomic cloudAtompilz {m}
meteo. billow cloudWogenwolke {f}
black clouddunkle Wolke {f}
burst cloudSprengwolke {f}
meteo. cap cloudPileus {m} <pil> [haubenförmige Wolke]
meteo. cirrocumulus (cloud)Zirrokumulus {m}
meteo. cirrostratus (cloud) <Cs>Cirrostratus {m} <Cs>
meteo. cirrostratus (cloud) <Cs>Schleierwolke {f}
meteo. cirrostratus (cloud) <Cs>Zirrostratus {m} <Cs>
comp. Internet cloud (computing) [fig.]Datenwolke {f}
meteo. cloud amountWolkenmenge {f}
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A 2021-04-27: cloudgestützt, containerbasiert ODER Cloud-gestützt, Container-basiert
Q 2018-05-22: Agreement of an automobile company on setting up cloud services
Q 2016-09-08: IT --- Is there such a thing as a cloud?
A 2016-08-18: Geht bei mir einwandfrei, sowohl mit Cloud als auch mit List.
A 2016-03-13: +Went+ here means travelled, that he was under a cloud for the whole journey,
Q 2016-03-13: under a cloud
A 2014-07-08: fly in the ointment / cloud on the horizon
A 2014-01-10: A characteristic of cloud computing is that
A 2014-01-10: xyz = cloud computing
A 2013-11-08: Every cloud has a silver lining.
A 2013-01-19: Zu 21:33: die von mir um 18:54 unterstützte Übersetzung +Wetterwolke > hea...
A 2012-08-26: cloud ....
Q 2012-08-26: cloud computing
Q 2012-07-28: Fedacity (Mitchell - Cloud Atlas)
A 2012-06-10: All she left behind was a cloud of garlic.
A 2012-06-09: a cloud of garlic
A 2011-12-06: Cooling the air beyond this point +results+ in water vapour condensing to ...
Q 2011-11-09: Several hundred freaks, zonked to their eyeballs, spilled into th e hall, ...
A 2011-08-22: no, it means: IF health records are stored online (on the cloud) THEN priv...
A 2011-07-03: Depends on the context. In aviation, it's "a hole in the cloud cover."

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