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English-German translation for: clubs
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Dictionary English German: clubs

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NOUN   a club | clubs
VERB  to club | clubbed | clubbed
clubbing | clubs
NOUN   der Club | die Clubs
sb. clubsjd. schlägt mit einer Keule
games clubs {pl} [sometimes treated as sg.] [card suit]
Kreuz {n} [meist ohne Artikel] [Farbe im französischen Blatt]
Vereine {pl}
sports clubs [rhythmic gymnastics]
Keulen {pl}
games clubs
Eichel {f} [im deutschen Blatt] [Farbe im Kartenspiel]
weapons clubs [cudgels]
Prügel {pl} [bes. südd., österr., schweiz. für: Knüppel]
dance gastr. sports clubs
Clubs {pl}
clubsKlubs {pl}
games clubs {pl}Eckern {f} [meist ohne Artikel] [Farbe im deutschen Blatt] [Eichel]
games clubs {pl} [sometimes treated as sg.] [suit in a deck of cards]Treff {n} [meist ohne Artikel] [Farbe im französischen Blatt] [Kreuz]
2 Words: Verbs
sports to move clubsden Verein wechseln
2 Words: Nouns
book clubsBuchgemeinschaften {pl}
sports European Cup [European Champion Clubs' Cup]Europapokal {m} der Landesmeister
sports golf clubs [sports equipment]Golfschläger {pl}
rambling clubsWandervereine {pl}
3 Words: Others
games Clubs are trumps.Kreuz ist Trumpf.
3 Words: Verbs
to go out clubbing [coll.]durch die Clubs ziehen
sports to swing Indian clubsKeulen schwingen
3 Words: Nouns
games ace of clubsEichelass {n} [Spielkarte, bes. deutsches Blatt]
games ace of clubsKreuzass {n}
games ace of clubsTreffass {n} [Spielkarte]
games ace of clubsEichel-Ass {n} [Spielkarte, bes. deutsches Blatt]
games ace of clubsKreuz-Ass {n} [Spielkarte]
games ace of clubsTreff-Ass {n} [Spielkarte]
closing {sg} of clubs [evening entertainment venues typically with dancing]Clubschließungen {pl}
clubs and societiesVereinswesen {n}
games eight of clubsKreuz-Acht {f} [Spielkarte]
games jack of clubsEichelbube {m} [Spielkarte] [Kreuzunter, Eichelunter]
games jack of clubsEichelunter {m} [Spielkarte, bes. deutsches Blatt]
games jack of clubsKreuzbube {m}
games jack of clubsKreuzunter {m} [selten bzw. regional] [Spielkarte]
games king of clubsEichelkönig {m} [Spielkarte]
games king of clubsKreuzkönig {m}
games king of clubsKreuz-König {m} [Spielkarte]
games knave of clubsKreuzbube {m}
more ambitious clubsanspruchsvollere Clubs {pl}
games nine of clubsKreuz-Neun {f} [Spielkarte]
games queen of clubsEichelober {m} [Spielkarte; bes. deutsches Blatt]
games queen of clubsKreuzdame {f}
games queen of clubsTreffdame {f}
seedy London clubszwielichtige Londoner Clubs {pl}
games seven of clubsKreuz-Sieben {f} [Spielkarte]
games ten of clubsKreuz-Zehn {f} [Spielkarte]
4 Words: Nouns
sports set of (golf) clubsSchlägersatz {m} [Golfspiel]
5+ Words: Verbs
theatre to play the (small) clubs / pubs / theatrestingeln [ugs.]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
Pitahayas {pl}
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A 2016-02-21: clubs devoted to the maintenance of regional traditions
A 2014-08-23: Trabi clubs
A 2013-08-26: Sounds primitive, but it is "Aus machen" or sth. close to that with most D...
Q 2013-08-17: to turn a three of clubs into an ace
A 2013-04-23: I would use sth. like "...clubs, which distribute to members at cost,..."
A 2012-12-10: possibly confusing "grapes" with "clubs" (DE Kreuz)
A 2011-11-09: Blame-the-clubs joke:
A 2011-09-13: XY konnte einfach nicht ablehnen, sich bei einem Treffen des XX-Clubs von ...
Q 2010-05-22: Single Clubs - ziemlich frei übersetzt (was auch sein darf) was meint Ihr?
Q 2009-09-25: discount clubs versus buyers' clubs
A 2009-09-23: Bacca: The government tries to go after the worst ones. But if they feel t...
A 2009-09-23: Bacca: fees, non-existent merchandise, credit card theft, on and on. There...
A 2009-09-23: In the U.S., 'buyers clubs' usually make it into the top 10 telemarketing ...
A 2009-09-23: Some buyers clubs *are* scams.
A 2009-02-14: These "Honoratiorenverbände" here are Veterans' Clubs,
A 2009-02-05: grass root clubs
A 2008-12-05: or that is several of its regional clubs
A 2008-12-05: the XX club acknowledges that YY, viz. any of its regional clubs in partic...
A 2008-12-05: but XX is the umbrella club and *respectively* is referring to its regiona...
A 2008-12-05: XX respectively (or) some of its regional clubs ......

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