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English-German translation for: coalition
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Dictionary English German: coalition

Translation 1 - 50 of 88  >>

English German
NOUN   a coalition | coalitions
SYNO   coalition | fusion | alignment ... 
pol. coalition
Koalition {f}
Zusammenschluss {m}
Vereinigung {f}
coalition [alliance]
Bund {m} [Bündnis]
pol. coalitionpolitisches Bündnis {n}
2 Words: Nouns
pol. blackberry coalition [coalition of CDU/CSU, SPD and BSW in Germany]Brombeerkoalition {f} [Deutschland]
pol. coalition agreementKoalitionsabkommen {n}
pol. coalition agreementKoalitionsvertrag {m}
pol. coalition alternativeKoalitionsalternative {f}
mil. coalition armyKoalitionsarmee {f}
pol. coalition breakup [also: coalition break-up]Koalitionsbruch {m}
pol. coalition committeeKoalitionsausschuss {m}
pol. coalition crisisKoalitionskrise {f}
pol. coalition decisionKoalitionsentscheidung {f}
pol. coalition disciplineKoalitionsdisziplin {f}
pol. coalition disputeKoalitionskrach {m}
pol. coalition disputeKoalitionsstreit {m}
coalition forcesKoalitionsstreitkräfte {pl}
mil. coalition forcesKoalitionstruppen {pl}
mil. coalition forces {pl}Koalitionsheer {n}
pol. coalition formationKoalitionsbildung {f}
pol. coalition fractionsKoalitionsfraktionen {pl}
pol. coalition governmentKoalitionsregierung {f}
pol. coalition leaders {pl}Koalitionsspitze {f}
pol. coalition meetingKoalitionsrunde {f}
coalition movementSammlungsbewegung {f}
pol. coalition negotiationsKoalitionsverhandlungen {pl}
pol. coalition partiesKoalitionsparteien {pl}
pol. coalition partnerKoalitionär {m}
pol. coalition partnerKoalitionspartner {m}
pol. coalition partnersKoalitionäre {pl}
pol. coalition partyKoalitionspartei {f}
coalition quarrelKoalitionskrach {m} [ugs.] [Koalitionsstreit]
coalition ructions {pl}Koalitionsstreit {m}
pol. coalition summitKoalitionsgipfel {m}
pol. coalition summitSpitzentreffen {n} der Koalition
pol. coalition talksKoalitionsgespräche {pl}
hist. mil. coalition warKoalitionskrieg {m}
hist. mil. pol. Coalition Wars [1792 - 1815]Koalitionskriege {pl} [1792 - 1815]
pol. electoral coalitionWahlbündnis {n}
governing coalitionRegierungskoalition {f}
pol. government coalitionRegierungskoalition {f}
pol. grand coalitiongroße Koalition {f}
pol. grand coalition [Germany]Groko {f} [auch: GroKo] [Kurzform] [große / Große Koalition; BRD]
pol. grand coalition [Germany]Große Koalition {f} <GroKo> [GroKo ist die Kurzform und das Wort des Jahres 2013]
pol. Jamaica coalition [coalition between the CDU, FDP and Green Party]Jamaika-Koalition {f}
pol. majority coalitionMehrheitskoalition {f}
pol. opposition coalitionOppositionskoalition {f}
pol. ragbag coalitionzusammengewürfelte Koalition {f}
pol. rainbow coalitionRegenbogenkoalition {f}
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A 2019-08-11: Many thanks. That was really helpful. To question no 3 is "X Y coalition i...
A 2015-09-21: The first government the Weimar coalition sustained by its broad parliamen...
A 2012-10-22: The coalition is just messing around.
Q 2011-11-09: Headline BBC : Greek coalition 'to be announced'
A 2011-08-20: James: I think it does, but with the "...option" being cooperation or even...
A 2011-04-21: coalition of persons/people or union of persons/people
A 2010-07-06: the SDs *participated* in the government, which may include government in ...
A 2010-02-19: Literally, W. puts / places / stakes his money on a black-yellow coalition
A 2010-02-19: traffic lights coalition :-) > Ampelbündnis(-koalition)
A 2009-08-15: The "Ampelkoalition", lit. "traffic lights coalition",
A 2009-02-16: sorry, *coalition*
A 2005-11-21: Federalism - What adjustments does the Grand Coalition envisage in terms o...
Q 2005-10-18: governing coalition
A 2003-12-18: the fodder law *passed by (?)* the coalition government

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