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English-German translation for: coelomic epithelium
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: coelomic epithelium

Translation 1 - 70 of 70

NOUN   a coelomic epithelium | coelomic epithelia
anat. biol. coelomic epitheliumCoelomepithel {n} [fachspr.]
anat. biol. coelomic epitheliumZölomepithel {n}
Partial Matches
zool. coelomic {adj}Coelom-
zool. coelomic {adj}coelomisch
zool. coelomic canalCölomkanal {m}
zool. coelomic canalZölomkanal {m}
zool. coelomic cavityCoelomhöhle {f}
zool. coelomic cavityZölomhöhle {f}
biol. coelomic compartmentCoelomkompartiment {n}
zool. coelomic divisionCoelomgliederung {f}
biol. coelomic fluidCoelomflüssigkeit {f}
zool. coelomic poreCoelompore {f}
zool. coelomic sacCoelomsack {m}
zool. coelomic sacZölomsack {m}
zool. coelomic spaceCoelomraum {m}
anat. epitheliumEpithel {n}
anat. epitheliumEpithelium {n}
med. ciliated epitheliumFlimmerepithel {n}
biol. coelom epitheliumCoelomepithel {n}
anat. colon epitheliumKolonepithel {n}
anat. columnar epitheliumSäulenepithel {n}
biol. covering epitheliumSchutzepithel {n}
anat. biol. cuboidal epitheliumisoprismatisches Epithel {n}
biol. cuboidal epitheliumkubisches Epithel {n}
anat. cylindrical epitheliumhochprismatisches Epithel {n}
anat. cylindrical epitheliumzylindrisches Epithel {n}
anat. med. ectocervical epitheliumPortioepithel {n}
biol. follicle epitheliumFollikelepithel {n}
biol. follicle epitheliumFollikelepithelium {n}
biol. follicular epitheliumFollikelepithel {n}
biol. follicular epitheliumFollikelepithelium {n}
med. germinal epitheliumKeimepithel {n}
dent. gingival epitheliumGingivaepithel {n} [auch: Gingiva-Epithel]
biol. glandular epitheliumDrüsenepithel {n}
biol. glandular epitheliumDrüsenepithelium {n}
anat. zool. intestinal epitheliumDarmepithel {n}
zool. larval epitheliumLarvenepithel {n}
biol. mantle epitheliumMantelepithel {n}
anat. midgut epitheliumMitteldarmepithel {n}
anat. nasal epitheliumNasalepithel {n} [Nasenepithel]
anat. nasal epitheliumNasenepithel {n}
zool. oikoplast epitheliumOikoplastenepithel {n}
anat. olfactory epitheliumolfaktorisches Epithel {n}
biol. dent. oral epitheliumMundhöhlenepithel {n}
anat. med. peritoneal epitheliumPeritonealepithel {n}
dent. pocket epitheliumTaschenepithel {n}
biol. rumen epitheliumRumenepithel {n}
biol. zool. ruminal epitheliumPansenepithel {n}
med. squamous epitheliummehrschichtiges Epithel {n}
med. squamous epitheliumPlattenepithel {n}
anat. sulcal epitheliumSulkusepithel {n}
anat. surface epitheliumOberflächenepithel {n}
anat. biol. zool. transitional epitheliumÜbergangsepithel {n}
anat. corneal epithelium <CE>corneales Epithel {n}
anat. corneal epithelium <CE>Hornhautepithel {n}
anat. corneal epithelium <CE>korneales Epithel {n}
dent. gingival epithelium <GE>Zahnfleischepithel {n}
dent. junctional epithelium <JE>Saumepithel {n}
anat. sulcular epithelium <SE>Sulkusepithel {n}
anat. biol. vaginal epithelium <VE>Vaginalepithel {n} <VE>
anat. biol. vaginal epithelium <VE>Vaginalhaut {f} [Vaginalepithel]
anat. biol. hair root epitheliumHaarwurzelepithel {n}
anat. columnar epithelium [Epithelium columnare]säulenförmiges Epithel {n}
anat. columnar epithelium [Epithelium columnare]Zylinderepithel {n} [veraltet] [Säulenepithel]
biol. olfactory epithelium [Epithelium olfactorium]Riechschleimhaut {f}
anat. cylindrical epithelium [dated] [Epithelium columnare]Zylinderepithel {n} [veraltet] [Säulenepithel]
anat. zool. olfactory epithelium [Regio olfactoria] [in mammals]Riechepithel {n} [bei Säugetieren]
med. columnar epithelium lined lower oesophagus <CELLO> [Br.]Barrett-Ösophagus {m}
anat. med. germinal epithelium of Waldeyer [less common] [coelomic epithelium]Coelomepithel {n} [fachspr.]
anat. retinal pigment epithelium <RPE> [Stratum pigmentosum retinae, Pars pigmentosa retinae]retinales Pigmentepithel {n} <RPE>
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